


I think I spelled it right.

Anyone ever have it and if so, what kind of treatment were you administered? I've read you can get antibiotics or if the fluid is too much you need a chest tube to release the fluid.

All I know is it hurts like an SOB and I want this gone!!!


I think I spelled it right.

Anyone ever have it and if so, what kind of treatment were you administered? I've read you can get antibiotics or if the fluid is too much you need a chest tube to release the fluid.

All I know is it hurts like an SOB and I want this gone!!!

Is this the same thing when you cough it feels like thumbtacks? I had that the first day, the rest was wheezing when I breathe normal, fevers, aches, chills and sweats.

Hope you're feeling better soon. I just got out of bed today since Friday.


New Member
I think I spelled it right.

Anyone ever have it and if so, what kind of treatment were you administered? I've read you can get antibiotics or if the fluid is too much you need a chest tube to release the fluid.

All I know is it hurts like an SOB and I want this gone!!!

Pleurisy...inflammation of the pleura...
treatment is treating the underlying cause.
Antibiotics if it is a bacterial infection.
Nothing if it is viral.
Over-the-counter or prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help relieve some of the signs and symptoms of pleurisy.

Call your doctor if you experience any of the following:

*Intense, persistent chest pain
*Shortness of breath
*High fever
These signs and symptoms point to a problem with your lungs, and may also indicate an underlying illness for which you need prompt medical care.

I hopeyou feel better soon. :huggy:


Is this the same thing when you cough it feels like thumbtacks? I had that the first day, the rest was wheezing when I breathe normal, fevers, aches, chills and sweats.

Hope you're feeling better soon. I just got out of bed today since Friday.

No, it's more like this...

I've had bronchitis for about ten weeks. Went to work Monday night and took a deep breathe of cold air in and almost doubled over in pain. Since then the pain has progressed making it hard to breathe. Yesterday was the worst day and I almost broke down and went to the ER. I could only lay in a fetal (ball) position to get enough air in my lungs.

It doesn't feel like thumb tacks. It feels like someone has stabbed you in the chest and they keep turning the blade. ouch!!


No, it's more like this...

I've had bronchitis for about ten weeks. Went to work Monday night and took a deep breathe of cold air in and almost doubled over in pain. Since then the pain has progressed making it hard to breathe. Yesterday was the worst day and I almost broke down and went to the ER. I could only lay in a fetal (ball) position to get enough air in my lungs.

It doesn't feel like thumb tacks. It feels like someone has stabbed you in the chest and they keep turning the blade. ouch!!

OH CARP! Yeah, that is totally different than what I have. So what did your Dr. say? I'd opt for the chest tube.

Look, nobody else can get sick fro here out..... got it? We are all going to stay healthy.... gonna wash out hands and eat 10 servings of fruits & veggies every day..... Get proper rest and little to no stress... got it?


OH CARP! Yeah, that is totally different than what I have. So what did your Dr. say? I'd opt for the chest tube.

Look, nobody else can get sick fro here out..... got it? We are all going to stay healthy.... gonna wash out hands and eat 10 servings of fruits & veggies every day..... Get proper rest and little to no stress... got it?

I went to the doc about a month ago for the bronchitis. I was given steroids, inhalers and something else. This pain in new. I have an appt with her tomorrow so I am hoping it's an easy fix and I don't end up in the hospital again.

I am just mad at the pharmacist who told me Mucinex would be good right now after I told her I felt like I broke a rib. I want the stuff dry, not coming out of me.



I went to the doc about a month ago for the bronchitis. I was given steroids, inhalers and something else. This pain in new. I have an appt with her tomorrow so I am hoping it's an easy fix and I don't end up in the hospital again.

I am just mad at the pharmacist who told me Mucinex would be good right now after I told her I felt like I broke a rib. I want the stuff dry, not coming out of me.


The pharmacist doesn't know what you had....

Get better, no more sickies :huggy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I went to the doc about a month ago for the bronchitis. I was given steroids, inhalers and something else. This pain in new. I have an appt with her tomorrow so I am hoping it's an easy fix and I don't end up in the hospital again.

I am just mad at the pharmacist who told me Mucinex would be good right now after I told her I felt like I broke a rib. I want the stuff dry, not coming out of me.


I broke two ribs with my pneumonia. Get an xray of your ribs, j.


I think I spelled it right.

Anyone ever have it and if so, what kind of treatment were you administered? I've read you can get antibiotics or if the fluid is too much you need a chest tube to release the fluid.

All I know is it hurts like an SOB and I want this gone!!!

Our daughter had it. I don't remember the drugs she had to take but she said it was very painful, especially when inhaling. She had to ride out the pain until it was gone. But she was having the pain and went to the emergency room. They did xrays and saw a spot on her lung and at first thought it could be cancer. Then they did more tests and determined it was pleurisy. It was pretty scary at first.

Do you smoke. I'm just wondering if there is any connection. Hope you're doing better.


OMG!!! Horrible pain! I had it when I was 16. Hurt so bad, I can still feel it when I think about it. :love:

Giddy up!

New Member
Ditto! I had it a few years ago, It was the most horrible uncomfortable pain, think I laid in bed and cried for two days! I never want that shiot back ever again!


Oh.... I cured my cough last night..... I drank pre-prohibition brandy and it was smooth! :otter:

But now I have a headache, at least I'm not hacking up a lung :shrug:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Had it, hated it! I knew for sure I was having a heart attack left shoulder/arm pain, shortness of breath the works. Drove myself to St. Mary's, made in like 7 minutes from Clover Hill Rd. Xrays found spot on the lung and I was told it was either a pulmonary embolism or pneumonia. Anyhow, ended up in the hospital with IV antibiotics for 3 days. Good times:yay:

Like Kain said, I'll never forget the pain.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I had it when I was pregnant with my son! I sneezed myself into it with allergies of all things! As I recall there wasn't much they could do about it drug-wise since I was preggo. Lying on the painful side seemed to stabilize the pain some and it went away in a few days. Sneezing was agony, I NEVER want a repeat of that pain. I could actually "hear" a grating sound in my chest. Yeesh... I hope you're better soon.