Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin Zoo


Active Member
What a moron!!

A polar bear attacked a woman at Berlin Zoo Friday afternoon after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time, police said Saturday.


Lovin' being Texican
Didn't giggle, but that has got to be the dumbest broad on earth!!


Looking at the video it appears she didn't really want to be rescued. Within a few feet of the top of the wall she relinquished her hold on the life-ring to try to grab a mop handle. From her physiognomy, looks like she wanted some of the num nums the bears were being fed. What an idjit. Bet she was cheering in the front row when THE ONE was in Berlin.


Methodically disorganized
Looking at the video it appears she didn't really want to be rescued.
I did not watch the video, but going by the story I wondered if this was some sort of unusual suicide attempt. She wanted to be in there, for whatever reason, so removing her from the gene pool could only be a positive thing.

Word o' the day for me. :yay:


I know nothing
considering how fat she was, the polar bears probably thought she was trying to steal thier food....

I would have chomped her too.


Throwing the deuces
Nope..... I just can't muster up any sympathy for this woman. To go into the habitat is plain stupid.


I love Texas Road House
They definatly should have just left that dummy in there with the bears to fend for herself.