Police Called to Capitol Hill Brawl



The House That Roared

In Ways and Means Brawl, Police and Sergeant at Arms Are Called! :rolleyes:

It started with the mind-numbing reading of a 200-page pension overhaul bill, erupted into a remarkably bitter name-calling match between House Republicans and Democrats, and ended with a GOP lawmaker summoning Capitol Police to evict an outraged gaggle of Democratic colleagues from a congressional library.

Ultimately, nobody was assaulted or arrested. But the brouhaha that exploded yesterday morning in the Ways and Means Committee marked the most bitterly partisan spat thus far in the 108th Congress, a place already known for unusually angry relations between the Republican majority and the Democratic minority, especially in the House.

The Longworth building showdown lasted less than an hour. But the aftershocks dominated the entire day on Capitol Hill, where House members suspended regular business to blast each other on the House floor.

"This is simple, serious and sad," said Ways and Means member Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn.), adding that both parties made mistakes that were "destructive to the body."

If you can stomach it...The rest of the story


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:killingme I saw that story on the Post website - cracked me up! Democrats getting so OC that the Republicans had to call the cops! Why does this not surprise me?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kain, you should watch C-SPAN when they have the British Parliament meetings (or whatever they call them). What a riot!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Kain, you should watch C-SPAN when they have the British Parliament meetings (or whatever they call them). What a riot!
I will! The Dems must be completely unaware of how ridiculous and childish they are. If I was I Dem right now.... I beat my own A$$! :biggrin: