Police Don't Know Why The Home Owner Had 59 Guns ........


PREMO Member
Kids find huge stash of guns in empty house, use them for playing
Police found 59 guns and other weapons, after children broke into an abandoned Westmoreland County home.

is it really any concern why the homeowner owns firearms


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Kids find huge stash of guns in empty house, use them for playing
Police found 59 guns and other weapons, after children broke into an abandoned Westmoreland County home.

is it really any concern why the homeowner owns firearms
It is when they are in an abandoned house. Either they are being stored there by someone who doesn't own the house, which probably means they shouldn't have guns for some reason or they they should be looking for the house owner (who's probably dead at the bottom of the basement stairs). On another issue, 52 doesn't come near my definition of huge.


One Nation Under God
Kids find huge stash of guns in empty house, use them for playing
Police found 59 guns and other weapons, after children broke into an abandoned Westmoreland County home.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfoUNlbB2-k">YouTube Link</a>

is it really any concern why the homeowner owns firearms

What part of the word abandoned do you not understand?


Power with Control
Things that stand out. The shock that the kids "shot the guns then played with them". When in fact what happened is that two of the kids knew firearms and made sure they were clear first, so in reality, there was no shooting of the guns, just dry firing. And it says right in the report that the old man is in the hospital and the police are holding the weapons for him. What struck me is the conditions of the weapons, given the dilapidated condition of the house, the guns re in pristine condiction, says a lot about the old mans care for them. Should have been secured better though.


New Member
Things that stand out. The shock that the kids "shot the guns then played with them". When in fact what happened is that two of the kids knew firearms and made sure they were clear first, so in reality, there was no shooting of the guns, just dry firing. And it says right in the report that the old man is in the hospital and the police are holding the weapons for him. What struck me is the conditions of the weapons, given the dilapidated condition of the house, the guns re in pristine condiction, says a lot about the old mans care for them. Should have been secured better though.

Actually...the kids did fire live rounds. The old man owned the house but it doesn't appear he lived there. The weapons obviously were not secured.

(Helps if you read the article instead of just watch the video: http://www.wtae.com/news/teen-breakin-leads-police-to-weapons-stashed-in-empty-home/32659132)

"The kids told us right up front they had three handguns they had in a fort -- a little place they called their hideaway in the woods," said police Chief John Berger. "They'd go up and actually shoot some of the handguns. Then they'd take them back, but they kept three of them in self-made bunkers that they had."

Berger said he found the owner, a 93-year-old man, in a local hospital, but they hadn't spoken to him to learn why he had so many guns and why he left them unattended for years.

The guns were not loaded when police found them late Tuesday afternoon. Some neighbors called police when they heard items being broken inside the home.

Berger said there was also a large amount of ammunition found inside the home. He said that after shooting the weapons, the children would unload them and play Cops and Robbers.

"The one kid said they'd #### the hammers and pull the triggers. The two younger men knew they weren't loaded and they would always check them. I can't tell you how lucky we are that nobody got hurt," Berger said.

Here are two other updates to GURPS 8 months old story:




I bowl overhand
Actually...the kids did fire live rounds. The old man owned the house but it doesn't appear he lived there. The weapons obviously were not secured.

BS.. the guns were inside his locked house.. he shouldn't have to protect his guns anymore than that.. or do you seem place the blame on the owner and not the "kids" that illegally broke into his house?

I'm sure if one of them accidentally shot and killed the other you'd want the homeowner charged as well..


God bless the USA
BS.. the guns were inside his locked house.. he shouldn't have to protect his guns anymore than that.. or do you seem place the blame on the owner and not the "kids" that illegally broke into his house?

I'm sure if one of them accidentally shot and killed the other you'd want the homeowner charged as well..

:like: tj lives in lalalala land. She is like this smile. :lalala: She loves to be derogatory to members, but never has thoughts of her own, and seldom replies. She is a lobotomized zombie if I ever read/saw one. I think she thinks the Constitution will protect her somehow being a non gun owner and all. But, she doesn't really get it. If the USA fails, the World fails. Period.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
"Police Don't Know Why The Home Owner ONLY Had 59 Guns ........ "
