Police Escorted School Bus on 261 in Calvert?


New Member
I got stuck behind some slow moving traffic today on 261. It turned out there was a school bus with a cop car following it with its lights going. I couldn't tell if there was a cop in front as well. This was south bound on 261, near the turn off to breezy point, at around 1:45pm. Anybody know what was going on? Thanks


Mark_Disfree said:
I got stuck behind some slow moving traffic today on 261. It turned out there was a school bus with a cop car following it with its lights going. I couldn't tell if there was a cop in front as well. This was south bound on 261, near the turn off to breezy point, at around 1:45pm. Anybody know what was going on? Thanks

A shortbus full of forumites on a field trip ! :shortbus: