A New York City college is under fire for honoring a former student who happens to be a fugitive from justice.
The Daily News reported Monday that police groups are angered that the City College of New York has allowed a community center on its Manhattan campus to carry the name of convicted cop killer and domestic "terrorist" Assata Shakur.
"We use tax dollars to support an institution that indemnifies a cold-blooded terrorist?" Dave Jones, president of the New Jersey State Troopers Fraternal Association, told the Daily News.
The Daily News reported Monday that police groups are angered that the City College of New York has allowed a community center on its Manhattan campus to carry the name of convicted cop killer and domestic "terrorist" Assata Shakur.
"We use tax dollars to support an institution that indemnifies a cold-blooded terrorist?" Dave Jones, president of the New Jersey State Troopers Fraternal Association, told the Daily News.