Police Helicopter


Sorry about that chief.
Anybody know what the MSP police helicopter was doing over St. Mary's state park around 4:30 - 5:00 this AM. Was hovering and had its spotlight on. Somebody escape from somewhere?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Maybe it was froum members at the lake having a shoot-out.


I heard it too--in fact, it woke me up and I couldn't fall back to sleep afterwards. I saw that the helicopter had its spotlight on and it seemed to be looking around the state park and possibly one of the subdivisions right next to it--the Tubman-Douglas Estates.

I also noticed when I left my home this morning that there were a lot of city crews out working on the neighboring areas. I have no idea what they were repairing.... maybe a mad person ran around cutting lines last night? Hmmmmm


PREMO Member
There you have it........

CALIFORNIA --- On June 22, 2004, St. Mary's Sheriff's Dfc. Michael A. Labanowski observed Izella E. Bush, 35, near California, reports Lt. Steven Doolan.
Bush was wanted on an outstanding District Court warrant for failing to appear for a traffic charge.
Bush fled on foot after observing Dfc. Labanowski and a foot chase ensued. During the chase Bush assaulted Dfc. Labanowski and continued to flee eventually entering a wooded area. Several additional units responded and established a perimeter. Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper Two responded and assisted with the search. Dfc. James F. A. Fowler responded with his K-9 dog and a track was initiated. A short time later Bush was located by Dfc. Fowler and his K-9 and apprehended without additional resistance. Bush was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center where he was charged with assault, resisting arrest, and the warrant for failing to appear in court.