Police "protection"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Does anyone ever get satisfaction out of the cops or the legal system? I've had four incidences with crime in my life and all four times, nothing was ever done, that I'm aware of.

#1, attempted robbery at gunpoint when I was 17 and worked at the sub shop in Lincoln. Cops came and took my statement, never heard anything back.

#2, former beau kicked in my door one night. Cops came, drug him off to the pokey, he was released a couple hours later so he could start calling me and harrassing me. I filed an ex parte against him. Come court day, the case was dismissed on something called the stet docket, which I took to mean they could care less that a nutball would break into my house in the middle of the night with my two kids upstairs.

#3, some tard was stealing mail out of our mailbox. Cops took the report, never heard another word about it.

#4, someone was breaking into cars in our neighborhood. got $100 bucks out of our car and bashed int he window of our neighbor's new minivan. Same thing - called the cops, then never heard from them again.

Then Christy's sister gets the crap kicked out of her and SHE gets sued by the person that did it.

Am I crazy or is it just the legal system in this country?


Set Trippin
Originally posted by vraiblondesMPD
#1, attempted robbery at gunpoint when I was 17 and worked at the sub shop in Lincoln. Cops came and took my statement, never heard anything back.
I am just curious as to how this was attempted robbery? Did you foil the crime or was it stopped by someone else? Or what exactly happened? :confused:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I had an uncle who was murdered back in '90. The a-holes were arrested the next day. One copped a plea and got life in prison, the other got life without parole. The murder was in August, the trial was the following January and lasted only a week.

I guess that was about as efficient as it gets.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mainman
Or what exactly happened?
I got pizzed and wouldn't open the register. The robber got mad, knocked over my pie rack and ran out the door. So I didn't really "foil the crime" - I was just young and stupid and outraged that this guy would come in and point a gun at me. :burning:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
I guess that was about as efficient as it gets.
At least they got the guys. Can I ask what happened? Random murder or some neighbors gone awry?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
My son won a judgement against his attacker last year (for medical bills and property damage) and has never seen a cent. :cussing:


I heard on the radio about the big drug bust somewhere. the 28 year old man and his 17 year old gf who had a pile of X and meth. He is in jail but the poor 17 year old GF got to go home to mommy and daddy. She should have been locked up too.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
My son won a judgement against his attacker last year (for medical bills and property damage) and has never seen a cent.
See, that's the stuff I don't understand - how is it that a judge can render a decision, yet there's no enforcement of that decision?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
See, that's the stuff I don't understand - how is it that a judge can render a decision, yet there's no enforcement of that decision?
There now, ya went and did it, 10,001 posts! :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
There now, ya went and did it, 10,001 posts!
Grrr! How did that happen? :confused: Oh well, I could always make the system do a recount and wipe out half my posts. :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Grrr! How did that happen? :confused: Oh well, I could always make the system do a recount and wipe out half my posts. :lol:
Like Cari and Archi? :lmao:

I can't believe I'm the one that caught you! I'm the slow unclever one! :lol:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by vraiblondesMPD
At least they got the guys. Can I ask what happened? Random murder or some neighbors gone awry?

No secret, it was in all the papers.

Uncle was a tobacco farmer, on a little farm just south of LaPlata. He hired his nephews (my cousins) and a couple of guys "off the street" to cut tobacco for him. Well, Friday was payday, and he paid in cash. At the end of the day, he doled out the wages and still had a wad in his wallet.

Two of the guys blew their pay on crack and decided to rob the little old man with the wad of cash. (He was 76, I think and the autopsy report said he was 116 lbs. He was also in the advanced stages of colon cancer.) They beat him bad enough that he would've died if they hadn't shot him first with his own gun. They then stole his pants off the chair (his wallet was in them) and took off. The pants were found on the side of the road that leads to "Dog Patch" and the open-air drug market that existed there at the time.

My 14 & 16 yr old cousins found him Saturday morning, when they went back to do some more work. They kinda suspected the laborers and when the police started asking questions, the guys' friends ratted them out.


It goes back to what I said in an thread on gun control awhile ago. The police are not going to pop in and save you at the last minute and even when they do show up your lucky if anything ever gets done.

If you ever look up statistics on crimes such as burglary and armed robbery, you will find that they are rarely solved. Even murder only has about a 60% solve rate and that is as good as it gets.

Here is my source for the murder statistic if anyone cares.


I can't find a good source for burglary and armed robbery, but if I remember correctly burglary only has about a 20% solve rate with armed robbery not too much better.
Last edited:


Originally posted by vraiblondesMPD
Does anyone ever get satisfaction out of the cops or the legal system? I've had four incidences with crime in my life and all four times, nothing was ever done, that I'm aware of.

#1, attempted robbery at gunpoint when I was 17 and worked at the sub shop in Lincoln. Cops came and took my statement, never heard anything back.

#2, former beau kicked in my door one night. Cops came, drug him off to the pokey, he was released a couple hours later so he could start calling me and harrassing me. I filed an ex parte against him. Come court day, the case was dismissed on something called the stet docket, which I took to mean they could care less that a nutball would break into my house in the middle of the night with my two kids upstairs.

#3, some tard was stealing mail out of our mailbox. Cops took the report, never heard another word about it.

#4, someone was breaking into cars in our neighborhood. got $100 bucks out of our car and bashed int he window of our neighbor's new minivan. Same thing - called the cops, then never heard from them again.

Then Christy's sister gets the crap kicked out of her and SHE gets sued by the person that did it.

Am I crazy or is it just the legal system in this country?

I've never had anything happen to me except years ago a drunk was calling me outside my house.. I first called the County Police and nothing, I then called the WVa State Troopers and nothing.. I called them both once more and told them that if the man, who had been known for carrying a gun, stepped foot on my property, they would be carrying a dead man off, I told them who I was and that I had my 12ga shotgun loaded with #4 Shot 3" Mag leaning against the wall by the door because I wasn't going to risk the safety of my family by having a drunk pull a gun and start shooting at the house.

That was about 28 years ago and still nothing.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Pete
I heard on the radio about the big drug bust somewhere. the 28 year old man and his 17 year old gf who had a pile of X and meth. He is in jail but the poor 17 year old GF got to go home to mommy and daddy. She should have been locked up too.
They were operating a meth lab out of an undisclosed motel, in beautiful downtown waldorf...:rolleyes:


Originally posted by *archimedes*
Only the criminal's rights are protected.
:yeahthat: It's ashame, but the criminals have more rights than the honest citizens do. Bleeding heart liberals strike again. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mmmm, no, Kwill - that didn't do it. :frown:

So now kids can come and torment you with loud music and YOU get punished if you yell at them. UFB.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Mmmm, no, Kwill - that didn't do it. :frown:

So now kids can come and torment you with loud music and YOU get punished if you yell at them. UFB.
I hear ya on that.....somebody annoying you and you get whacked.....totally UFB