Police raid headquarters of RNC protesters


Habari Na Mijeldi
Police raid headquarters of RNC protesters - CNN.com

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Police raided a rental hall used by a group organizing protests at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday.

The RNC Welcoming Committee, which describes itself as "anarchist/anti-authoritarian," accused St. Paul police of trying to disrupt their protest planned for Monday, the day the GOP convention is set to begin.
While no one was arrested, the group said police temporarily detained and photographed at least 50 people who were inside the building.
St. Paul Police spokesman Tom Walsh said they were executing a search warrant.
"The cause for the search warrant is not public at this time," Walsh said.
As many as 30 police officers entered with guns drawn, according to witnesses in the building.


In My Opinion
at least the didnt get pushed into traffic, grabbed by the neck and handcuffed for taking pictures of people from a public sidewalk.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They admit that they're anarchist and anti-authoritarian, then they can't figure out why the cops want to keep tabs on them?

Must be friends of Barack Obama's - he hangs out with all the domestic terrorists.