A man who owns a rental home in California just called the Dave Ramsey show. He said he went to his property after his tenants moved out and discovered a squatter living in the garage.
No problem right? Call the police and have the trespasser removed.
Police show up and refuse to remove the squatter. They say that even though the guy is not on the lease and does not have the owner's permission to be there, the squatter has possession.
The owner figures he'll just lock the guy out after he steps out of the property. He changes the garage codes. The police are called back and force the owner to change the codes back. He's told he has to go through normal eviction proceedings in the courts.
The owner says he even negotiated with the squatter to pay him $300 cash if he leaves. The squatter initially agrees, then backs out.
I know you can't believe everything someone says because you are only getting one side and they might omit or embellish the facts, but if even part of this story is true, it is pretty bazaar.
No problem right? Call the police and have the trespasser removed.
Police show up and refuse to remove the squatter. They say that even though the guy is not on the lease and does not have the owner's permission to be there, the squatter has possession.
The owner figures he'll just lock the guy out after he steps out of the property. He changes the garage codes. The police are called back and force the owner to change the codes back. He's told he has to go through normal eviction proceedings in the courts.
The owner says he even negotiated with the squatter to pay him $300 cash if he leaves. The squatter initially agrees, then backs out.
I know you can't believe everything someone says because you are only getting one side and they might omit or embellish the facts, but if even part of this story is true, it is pretty bazaar.