Political Cartoon of the Day...


This Space for Rent
Party platforms...



  • platform.jpg
    79 KB · Views: 189


The Florida Democratic Organization can't even afford to put up a platform right now. They have a monthly burn rate for salaries of about $200,000, and their bank account is -$20,000, and the IRS just slapped them with a tax lien of $198,000. They just had to sell off all their real estate holdings to pay the last payrolls, and there isn't much money coming in from Howard Dean and company. The financial woes are blamed on a previous party chairman who had over $900,000 disappear during his tenure, and the cherry on the top of the situation is the guy that lost the $900,000 is the Dems' leading candidate to replace Jeb Bush as governor next year! :lmao:


This Space for Rent
27 June 2005

I think it is slightly misleading. That Judge looks like a characterization of Rehnquist who was against the decision. Liberal bias!!! :razz:


  • eminent.jpg
    86.5 KB · Views: 110


FromTexas said:
I think it is slightly misleading. That Judge looks like a characterization of Rehnquist who was against the decision. Liberal bias!!! :razz:

And just think Rehnquist might resign after this term :ohwell: Who do you think will get the nod from Bush if that is the case and Sandra Day O'Connor opts not to fill his position? :shrug:


This Space for Rent
dems4me said:
And just think Rehnquist might resign after this term :ohwell: Who do you think will get the nod from Bush if that is the case and Sandra Day O'Connor opts not to fill his position? :shrug:

Let's throw Scallia up there. That will really piss of the DU. :killingme


Bruzilla said:
The Florida Democratic Organization can't even afford to put up a platform right now. They have a monthly burn rate for salaries of about $200,000, and their bank account is -$20,000, and the IRS just slapped them with a tax lien of $198,000. They just had to sell off all their real estate holdings to pay the last payrolls, and there isn't much money coming in from Howard Dean and company. The financial woes are blamed on a previous party chairman who had over $900,000 disappear during his tenure, and the cherry on the top of the situation is the guy that lost the $900,000 is the Dems' leading candidate to replace Jeb Bush as governor next year! :lmao:

I guess they've given up all hope of former attorney general Reno to go against Jeb :shrug: Too many people still fired up about Elian I suppose :ohwell: BTW Bruz, we may be a minus -$900,000 but I be darned... we all know what a hanging chad looks like in Florida now ... :yay:



New Member
FromTexas said:
Let's throw Scallia up there. That will really piss of the DU. :killingme
I've met Scalia and even though I may disagree with the vast majority of his decisions (except for flag burning, right on with him on that one), he is a hell of a guy.