Political Reality TV Show


This Space for Rent
Pssst... Political consultants aren't worried about such things. Their job is to make candidates look good to the public. :lol:


Super Genius
FromTexas said:
Pssst... Political consultants aren't worried about such things. Their job is to make candidates look good to the public. :lol:
I know, but I still think anybody in politics should actually know something about politics. What can I say...I live in a fantasy world.


What I think would be a good competition would be to have each side try to get money from the other side. Like have the red guys try to get money from George Soros, and the blue guys have to get money from a hard-right guy, and see which side can get the most donations.

Another good game would be for all of the consultants to raise money and the LAST one to raise more money than Howard Dean has raised for the DNC gets booted out of the house. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
the LAST one to raise more money than Howard Dean has raised for the DNC gets booted out of the house.

Curious what "test their political skills" means. Are they going to have a lying contest? Dig up dirt on each other?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:

Curious what "test their political skills" means. Are they going to have a lying contest? Dig up dirt on each other?
It's a TV show - what are they going to do, pass a crime or highway bill? Solve unemployment? Negotiate a treaty? Nobody will WATCH that.

Which is strange to me, because as far as I can tell, MOST of these "reality shows" are ALL ABOUT lying, manipulating and backstabbing.


vraiblonde said:

Curious what "test their political skills" means. Are they going to have a lying contest? Dig up dirt on each other?

and inclusive of one big bucket of mud for slingn' .... :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Nobody will WATCH that.
Damn, I would! Wouldn't you? Shoot, I'd have to physically drag Larry away from a show like that. :lol:

I see this being similar the The Apprentice (read: :yawn:) where these little puppies run around doing just what you said - lying, manipulating and backstabbing.


I can just imagine an hour of hearing the blue team sitting around complaigning about how inept, evil, and corrupt the red team is for using their skills and initiative to win every competition.

I can also imagine Harry Reid and Nancy Pilosi calling one another after each episode saying "I'm sure glad we've got a solid agenda and aren't like those blue losers on the show!"


Super Genius
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised to see lots of infighting on the red team since there is no defined leader/heirarchy and they will all be competeing for the top. Reps tend to have/like more structured groups where Dems tend to have looser organizations. Therefore, the blues may have an advantage in working more like a committee.