Politics - SCOTUS Issues


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The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Supreme Court to weigh bans on puberty blockers, hormones for trans teens.” And so it begins.

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It was always in the cards. Today, the Supreme Court hears oral arguments over whether Tennessee and more than 20 other states can ban genital mutilation and sterilization procedures for minors.

The states argue that states have always held police power authority to legislate the health, safety, and welfare of their citizens by regulating state medical associations and treatments. The Biden Administration argues that the new laws clearly target transgender kids, and so violate equal protection, since their ‘gender’ is equivalent to sex.

Amusingly, in every other context the trans lobby insists that gender and sex are completely separate and unrelated. But in court, they always argue gender and sex are synonymous, and they want the same constitutional protection provided to biological women.

The government’s equal-protection argument in this case will make your brain ache:

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Haha, “put simply.” In other words, they argue that boys “receive” testosterone naturally, which allows the boys to later live as men. But girls aren’t allowed to receive testosterone from doctors, and so they can’t live as men when they grow up. (The reference to puberty blockers was jarringly out of place, since boys who grow up to be men never “receive” puberty blockers, naturally or any other way.)

My friends, that is the kind of incisive legal argument our tax dollars are paying for these days.

As compelling as the government’s tortured argument may be, the Times lacked confidence about the Biden Administration’s chances:

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I’m not confident in the government’s chances either. I expect the Supreme Court to do the right thing.



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Sorry, but I can't believe the LGBs go along with this nonsense. If they don't, they need to get their radical fringe in line.


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SCOTUS Judges Dismantles WOKE Activists FUMING Over GOP Banning Gender Affirming Care For Kids!​



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Scotus Judges Dismantles WOKE Activist Over BAN of Gender Affirming Care For Kids​



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SCOTUS May END Child Trans Surgery, Matt Walsh To Rally Outside During Oral Arguments Tomorrow​



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Yesterday, far-left Axios ran an unintentionally terrific and accidentally encouraging story headlined, “Supreme Court seems likely to uphold ban on gender-affirming care.” By “gender-affirming care,” Axios meant “sterilization and genital mutilation.”

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On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over a terrific Tennessee law banning “gender-affirming care” for children. Adults can still get chop-a-dictomies until they run out of spare forearm. The Tennessee law is similar to laws passed in nearly all the red states at this point.

The legal issue boiled down to whether Tennessee is simply regulating the practice of medicine, long approved as fully within state purview, or whether the law unconstitutionally discriminates against trans kids based on the immutable characteristic of their biological sex.

Fortunately, as I predicted, the Justices’ questions signaled deep skepticism, not just that Tennessee’s law was constitutionally sound, but also whether transgenderism could ever be considered a constitutionally protected category. Boiling it down, the conservative majority seemed inclined to leave difficult questions of developing medicine and evolving medical ethics to legislatures, suggesting more than once the complex issue was not appropriate for courts to decide.

But something else, something wonderful, miraculous, and unexpected happened during oral arguments. Maybe it was obvious in hindsight. But, for the first time, Biden’s weaponized trans activists (via their lawyers, one of whom was trans), were forced to rationally defend their irrational ideology. They had to answer the Justices’ questions. When they dodged, the Justices called them out on it.

The result was that trans “science” dissolved in the heat of judicial scrutiny. That is probably why corporate media predicted the Supreme Court will uphold the law. It was a rhetorical bloodbath.

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For example, Justice Thomas asked a simple question that I first thought was a veiled criticism but turned out to be a wily judicial trap: “What remedy are you seeking?” he asked the government’s lawyers. Trans lawyer Chase Strangio (pictured above) was flustered, but eventually coughed up something about an injunction. (My goodness, what an ironic last name.)

The implied criticism was that if the Justice had to ask, the requested remedy must not have been completely clear from the briefs, which is a rookie mistake, and one that it is nearly unbelievable the overpaid government lawyers could have made. But that’s not where he was going. Then Justice Thomas sprang the trap with a followup question: “So practically, you would get different treatment based on sex?”

In other words, either way girls and boys are treated differently. Under the Tennessee law, boys “receive” testosterone (naturally) but girls “aren’t allowed to.” But if the law were enjoined, girls could receive testosterone supplements (from doctors) but boys can’t, since boys who are “transitioning” must get testosterone blockers.

That simple question left the government’s equal protection case in a shambles. But that wasn’t even close to all.

Justice Alito laid a similar trap that sliced the trans case in two. He asked them “whether transgender status is immutable.” This was key because only innate, unchangeable characteristics, like race or biological sex, are considered constitutionally protected. People’s characteristics that can change, such as their weight, hairstyle, national origin, virtuous yard sign ownership, face tattoos, or smoking status, cannot be protected by discrimination laws for a very straightforward reason.

If discrimination laws were available for mutable characteristics, then people could choose to voluntarily join a discriminated class and immediately acquire more legal rights over other citizens. Plus, as a practical matter, trying to protect characteristics that people can select between and change quickly becomes completely unworkable.

Consider the example of morbidly obese persons and airplane seats. If, to satisfy equal protection, fat folks get an extra airplane seat for free, how do you measure that? In other words, how fat is fat enough to get a free seat? If someone gains 50 pounds just to get a free seat, does that count? Should the law punish overweight people for losing weight by taking their free seat away? What happens if they weren’t fat enough for a free seat when they booked the ticket, but gained enough weight by the time they boarded the plane?

In other words, the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause was only designed to address systemic inequalities tied to deeply ingrained societal prejudices over things people cannnot control, like their skin color, rather than protecting people’s individual preferences or lifestyle choices.

CLIP: Justice Alito questions Strangio about immutability of transgender status (1:29).

So, when Justice Alito asked attorney Strangio the simple question of whether transgender status is immutable, he pressed the bearded lady onto the razor-sharp horns of an impossible dilemma. If transgenderism isn’t immutable, then it isn’t biologically based, and thus isn’t protectable. Strangio had no choice. She stuttered out her only possible answer:

I -- I think that the record shows that the -- the discordance between a person's birth sex and gender identity has a strong biological basis and would satisfy an immutability test.

At that point, Justice Alito had Strangio right where he wanted her. Alito then asked, what about gender fluidity? Strangio had to admit that transgenders “include people who have different understandings of -- of their gender identity.” But a person’s understanding is not an immutable characteristic, however hard Strangio then tried to cling to a “biological basis.” The contradiction was a classic modern example of Orwell’s ‘doublethink,’ which he defined as ’a simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas.’

Best of all, Justice Alito did not neglect the most important and most critical issue of all: the harms to kids. On this issue, the mild-mannered Justice judiciously called the government’s lawyers liars, in polite legal language, asking “I wonder if you think it would be appropriate to modify or withdraw your statement that the treatment benefits outweigh the risks?” Listen:

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CLIP: Justice Alito calls Biden’s lawyers liars (1:52).

CLIP: Justice Alito presses Strangio on suicidality (0:53).

Elizabeth Prelogar is one of the federal government’s main appellate lawyers. She regularly argues for the Biden Administration at the Supreme Court. Justice Alito cited to Prelogar a number of studies, including the bombshell Cass Report, which found no evidence trans kids were less likely to attempt suicide than kids whose gender dysphoria was treated in other ways. Justice Alito noted that, after the publication in Britain of the Cass Report, the UK and other European countries banned puberty blockers.

As Axios (and others) noted, and as I predicted, it seems likely from the questions that the Supreme Court will uphold the Tennessee law and, by extension, the laws in 26 other sane states. But more importantly, this series of questions could — I’m not saying it will, I’m just saying it’s possible — it could have broken the back of the entire transgender movement, at least its pernicious status as presumptively valid.



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Democrats’ ‘Ethics’ Smears Against Thomas And Alito Are So Embarrassing They Buried Their Own Report

An Embarrassing Report​

More generally, this Democrat staff report is an embarrassment. I served for 10 years as a chief counsel for oversight and investigations for a major congressional committee, managed nearly 200 investigative hearings, and issued several staff reports. Much of the information the staff received in response to letters sent to private citizens had already been reported in the press. The staff report here is based on very little investigative work itself and relies on shoddy work by discredited leftist-funded groups. It is a disgrace to the professionalism of congressional staff and the institution itself.

For example, the staff report cites leftist-funded Fix the Court’s (FTC) absurd claim that Justice Thomas accepted $4.75 million in gifts when that figure has been completely discredited. FTC’s list has scores of trips Justice Thomas never even went on, preposterously values a trip to Indonesia as a $500,000 gift, calculating that Thomas chartered a private yacht for his own personal use, and absurdly values visiting friends at their summer home as a $280,950 gift. This source is a complete dumpster fire of false claims.

This exposes Whitehouse and Durbin as pure hypocrites who don’t care about ethics. President Joe Biden and his family have taken more than 15 vacations at billionaires’ mansions, and he never once reported them on his form. These billionaires are not friends, they are donors, and they vacate their homes while the Bidens are there.

In fact, Joe Biden decided to issue his sweeping and unprecedented pardon to his son, Hunter, while staying at a billionaire’s $34 million mansion on Nantucket Island. Joe Biden also vacationed over Christmas at a mansion in St. Croix Virgin Islands for the eighth time since 2014, and he has never reported these trips on his forms. Whitehouse and Durbin are fine with Biden grifting on billionaire donor homes but are outraged that Justice Thomas visits his friends at their homes and does not disclose it.

The Democrats had no problem with Justice Stephen Breyer taking more than 230 trips paid for by third parties — 63 of these trips outside the United States and 17 of them funded by the Democrat Pritzker family. Never mind that Ruth Bader Ginsburg took more than 157 trips paid for by third parties, 28 of them international. RBG also received a $1 million gift from the Berggruen Institute, which she then secretly distributed to her favored charities.

Fix the Court is its own scandal center. Its CEO Gabe Roth reportedly violated federal law by failing to disclose that he was lobbying Congress on certain issues and was recently exposed for being paid a salary equivalent of 96 percent of FTC’s revenues, while running a deficit of nearly $46,000. Some experts believe this may violate federal law. FTC was also busted for failing to list several trips that liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor failed to disclose. FTC is a sloppy, partisan, noncredible source, but the Democrat staff report relies on its work for its findings.

The staff report cites ProPublica’s dishonest reporting on the justices’ trips, despite ProPublica refusing to include for months in its reporting that similar claims about Thomas’ travel had already been raised in 2011 in a complaint filed by 20 Democrat members of Congress and that the Judicial Conference ruled in 2012 that Thomas had not failed to disclose any necessary information. When ProPublica was forced to write about this ruling, which blew up their entire false narrative that Thomas and Alito had violated the law, these left-wing activists sought to impugn the Democrat and Republican judges on the conference with smears from anonymous sources. This is their standard tactic.

The staff report even lists a fictitious yacht trip around the Bahamas that Thomas never took with a friend, which was first falsely reported by ProPublica. The lawyer for the yacht owner confirmed in writing to the Senate that this trip never happened. But the lazy Democrat staff regurgitated ProPublica’s false story, which was based on unnamed anonymous sources, and apparently did no work itself to look into this matter.

The Democrat staff report even shockingly cites Robert Schenk for his alleged claims about trying to manipulate justices through the Supreme Court Historical Society. But Schenk is a fabulist and liar whose credibility was destroyed in 2022 at a House hearing on Supreme Court ethics where he was exposed by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, for totally fabricating a story about a Supreme Court case and also for repeatedly lying under oath in a federal trial.

This is merely representative of the level of dishonesty in this report and a classic tactic of the left. Tell a lie, and when it is proven incorrect, keep spreading it, and rely on your media allies to insulate you from accountability.

Finally, the staff report attacks the Judicial Conference, which is made up of 27 federal judges, including the chief justice and the chief judges of all the federal circuit, for its 2012 ruling that Justice Thomas complied with the disclosure rules and its modification of a recently adopted rule that had required judges to list as a gift staying overnight at the home of a friend or a family member (including a sibling or parent) if that home was held in an LLC simply for tax planning, estate, or security reasons. It was a stupid rule adopted in response to bullying by Whitehouse, and the conference wisely changed it.


PREMO Member
Over the last decade, America’s ruling class has used the threat of “mis-, dis-, and mal-information” to justify turning the awesome powers of the administrative state against domestic Wrongthinkers from elite orthodoxy. The most insidious and far-reaching manifestation of this phenomenon has been seen in the Censorship-Industrial Complex, which has eroded our First Amendment, thereby imperiling the republic itself.

Alarmingly, a new report indicates that the Supreme Court — which refused to bring the censorship regime to justice — not only shares this regime’s concerns about “disinformation,” but likewise supports robust and widespread action to “combat” it. The report comes from Chief Justice John Roberts himself.

Roberts took to his recently released annual review to elucidate what he sees as the key threats to the independence of his fellow justices, and thereby the rule of law itself. He distinguishes between “strong and passionate reactions” to and “informed criticism” of the court on the one hand, and independence-threatening “illegitimate activity” on the other.

Among the four types of activities that the chief justice identifies as illegitimate is “disinformation,” writing that disinformation includes “distortion of the factual or legal basis for a ruling,” which “can undermine confidence in the court system.” He laments that the court is ill-suited to “combat this problem” since judges are generally silent on their rulings.

“To make matters worse,” the chief justice adds, citing concerns laid out in his 2019 year-end report, “the modern disinformation problem is magnified by social media, which provides a ready channel to ‘instantly spread rumor and false information.’” Then, he endorsed “civic education as the best antidote for combating the epidemic of misinformation.”

A Warning from the Minority​

Last summer, in Murthy v. Missouri, the majority by a 6-3 margin, including the chief justice, refused to rule on the merits of a case that put the fed-led censorship on trial by claiming the plaintiffs lacked standing. As Justice Sam Alito, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, argued in his dissent, the court tortured the standards of standing to punt a case that had produced voluminous evidence of government-driven censorship.

Namely, evidence showed myriad federal authorities from the Biden White House to DHS and HHS had colluded, coerced, and cajoled social media companies, directly and via cutouts, to abridge en masse Americans’ protected speech, ranging from the Hunter Biden laptop story to election integrity and Covid-19. I reported exclusively for RealClearInvestigations on some of the stunning records of these efforts, documenting the targeting for censorship of figures including The Federalist’s Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway.

The minority warned that:

What the officials did in this case was more subtle than the ham-handed censorship found to be unconstitutional in Vullo [another case before the Court last term], but it was no less coercive. And because of the perpetrators’ high positions, it was even more dangerous. It was blatantly unconstitutional, and the country may come to regret the Court’s failure to say so.

That malicious actors foreign and domestic can exploit social media for nefarious ends by propagating bad ideas or dishonest narratives more rapidly and at greater scale than at any time in history is true. But, as I testified before Congress in May 2023 in a hearing on the “nerve center” of fed-led censorship, in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – a key defendant in Murthy – “the worst idea of all is that government should be the arbiter of what we’re allowed to speak and hear.”

This would be so even if prominent figures up to and including the chief justice’s colleagues themselves never trafficked in mis- or dis-information; even if they were omniscient, fair, and wise.

I also testified that, historically, we would have held in contempt authorities who suggest we are incapable of thinking for ourselves, who do the thinking for us, and silence those who dare dissent.

Justice Roberts has long been concerned about protecting the court as an institution and, as he lays out in his year-end report, its independence.

To this end, he would be better served preventing leaks and holding leakers to account — a concrete assault on the court that it refused to vigorously pursue — than expressing such concern with how the public perceives and grapples with its opinions.

More importantly, the country would be best served if he and the court would participate in the project to dismantle the Censorship-Industrial Complex and disarm the weaponized administrative state, in defense of our most sacred rights.
