

Anyone else have the pollen making them exhausted? :snooze:
I can barely stay awake the past few days :yawn:


I usually don't have a problem with allergies until the fall. This year for the last few weeks I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Headaches, nausea, exhausted. I'm thinking its the pollen - I just want to curl up on the couch for a week and watch netflix.


I usually don't have a problem with allergies until the fall. This year for the last few weeks I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Headaches, nausea, exhausted. I'm thinking its the pollen - I just want to curl up on the couch for a week and watch netflix.

Me too! Spring is usually horrible for me but I've been ok until I woke up on Sunday and just felt blah and exhausted. I've been in bed by 8pm the past two nights.


Jam out with ur clam out
things have been fine since i have started and stayed on my allergy meds....
but this weekend it all went to hell in a hand basket as I ended up with a two day headache.... that mild annoying kind....

all is well again!!! keep on pollenating!!!