Pony Swim


I'm going to the pony swim for the first time in my life!! So excited!:yahoo:
Who's been? What did you think?

I have always wanted to see that. They are beautiful ponies, I hear they are mean though (but aren't most ponies?).

Have fun and take lots of cool pictures to post here!


Luvin Life !!!
I have heard many stories of ones that drowned on the swim. So I think many really view it as animal cruelty.


Swinging on Vines
I have heard many stories of ones that drowned on the swim. So I think many really view it as animal cruelty.

I am the LAST person to condone animal cruelty, and this is not cruelty...if they didn't "thin" the herd the horses would die of starvation due to overpopulation - it is afterall, an island.

I actually am more upset with the auction and the fact that no background check is done on bidders. (or so I've heard.)

Any little girl who's read "Misty of Chincoteague" DREAMS of going to the pony swim...


Luvin Life !!!
I am the LAST person to condone animal cruelty, and this is not cruelty...if they didn't "thin" the herd the horses would die of starvation due to overpopulation - it is afterall, an island.

I actually am more upset with the auction and the fact that no background check is done on bidders. (or so I've heard.)

Any little girl who's read "Misty of Chincoteague" DREAMS of going to the pony swim...

I understand your points. I like horses but have never owned one. I would not want to see any harm to one though. I have seen news footage of it before and it was amazing. So I guess it's best to not think of the what if factor. I hope you enjoy your trip.


New Member
actually not many drown, occasionally and they usually do it when the tide is low. Its the 'safest' way to drive the wild horses off the island. There would be sooooo much more stress if they were sedated and hauled off and woke up in an odd new place.

sometimes the best way is not the easy way.


RIP Quinn
actually not many drown, occasionally and they usually do it when the tide is low. Its the 'safest' way to drive the wild horses off the island. There would be sooooo much more stress if they were sedated and hauled off and woke up in an odd new place.

sometimes the best way is not the easy way.

yes, the horses are moved across the river at slack tide... it is very organized and the cowboys take many precautions to horses and people at the event. It's pretty crowded, so sometimes it's hard to get a good spot... you're not allowed right up to them while they are being herded.

I'm not sure about the background checks.. I have a feeling it's pretty lax though.. I know someone who bid and won on a colt a couple years ago and it was their first horse for their daughter.. pretty dumb.


New Member
they can turn out to be nice ponies if you work with them well. i've been riding one this past year and he's a super-pony! also saw a pretty amazing one at the smha show, the best little w/t pony


Animal Poor!
they can turn out to be nice ponies if you work with them well. i've been riding one this past year and he's a super-pony! also saw a pretty amazing one at the smha show, the best little w/t pony

well if you were teaching them, I've no doubt they would turn out well! :whistle: but you are super pony lady... :killingme:killingme
Devine is the #### for training horses! I can't say enough good things about her! :buddies:


New Member
I went once. Bring your bug spray! The crowds are tremendous and people are not always gracious after standing around in the heat. I didn't bid so I don't know the process you'd have to go through. But, it appeared you could buy w/o making plans. Transportation was available for hire there on the grounds to trailer your purchase home. It was sad to see the ones injured during the roundup and swim. Many three-legged lame walking around in the pens. I've read they are vetted but they were still out in the general herd. The other aspect is the ponies are not cheap. Anything w/ a lot of color went for high prices. You could buy something mature and trained for some of the winning bids. The beaches are wonderful and I enjoyed the trip but have no interest in going back.


Rocky Mountain High!!
we've camped on assiteague (sp?), the ponies come right up to your rig and beg. it's funny, but they do bite. :lol: the little buggers.


laura+flare= gone
we went about 5 years ago, and i dont think its all that fun. It was crouded, and raining when we went. We waited for hours for the horses to arrive at the fair grounds, the fair didnt have anything fun, and as i said WAY too many people, to make it fun. The buses where crouded, so we tried to walk in the rain, got lost, went back and waited 2 hours in line to ride the bus back to our car. I would recomend going the days before the round up, to see the horses/ponies that are already shiped over (or where they waiting for the round up...?), now that was worth the time. The worst thing was driving back from the island, i fell asleep for three hours and we only moved not even half a mile! I advise staying on the island, maybe its funner... we stayed at O.C., which wasnt a bad drive. And yeah i would do it all over again!:lmao: now that some years has past.


New Member
I am chillin in my hotel room after a long day at the pony swim. I had never been here before either. We arrived there (on the island) about 8:30a.m. and they had already went across! They said anywhere from 7 a.m. -3p.m I was tired from the beach and overslept.:( I know better for next year.
I was SUPER SURPRISED because of what I had heard year after year, but I didnt get ONE bug on me!! No bites no nothing,maybe just luck of the draw?. It was horribly crowded, but managed well. Over all a great experience for me and the kids. (I think I was waaaaay more excited than the kids :lmao:)


Swinging on Vines

We got there just as the ponies were coming ashore! We didn't get to see a single horse in the water!
Dang it!
We camped in Pocomoke State Park, and got there at 7:25, and they were already done swimming. We stood along the route to the carnival grounds and they walked right past us, and even came up to us! There were so many foals, fillies and colts, I was amazed! I don't know how they made the swim!
Absolutely adorable though!
We were right across from a small horse pasture and there was a Quarter Horse and a Palamino penned there, and when they saw the ponies parading down the street they went CRAZY! Neighing and snorting! It was so neat! As soon as the ponies passed, they ran around for a few more minutes and then went back to the oat bucket.
We didn't get bit by any bugs, but it was VERY muddy, and we have to go back to see the actual swim. It was VERY hot and VERY humid, but still was a great time.:howdy: