Poor John Kerry!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
His getaway came at a particularly rough time for the senator, the expected Democratic presidential nominee. For more than a week, he has had to defend himself from an onslaught of attacks by President Bush.......

Several Democrats and Kerry aides said some of his missteps were a result of exhaustion. ......

Another reminder of how badly Mr. Kerry needed a break was provided by the Bush campaign, which released a commercial skewering him.......
If mere campaigning runs him down so bad and he can't hack that, what will actually being President do to him? Weak weak weak. Next thing you know, they'll be hospitalizing him for "exhaustion", just like those hothouse lilies in Hollyweird. :duh:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Mr. Kerry awoke determined to hit the slopes of Mount Baldy
...head first.

a reporter and a camera crew were allowed to follow along on skis — just in time to see Mr. Kerry taken out by
...a tree.

Mr. Riggins, who added that he was rooting for Mr. Kerry. "Maybe it'll give him a chance to not think about all that stuff
...while he recovers in a sanitarium.

Woohoo! :banana:
You're right Vrai posting only parts of the article is way more fun. :biggrin:


This Space for Rent
But Mr. Beers added that Mr. Kerry would shun as inappropriate the endorsement of any foreign leader at all.

Thats why he was trying to say he was approved by foreign leaders before.

"I don't fall down," then used an expletive to describe the agent who "knocked me over."

Yes, respecting federal employees is near and dear to his heart.

when a waiting skier, John Norris, shouted: "Hey, John! What foreign leaders talked to you?"


Many stop signs here have "Bush 2004" spray-painted underneath, and the rebellious teenagers tend to be "hard-core vegans," said Barrett Cincotta, 13.

OMG!! Such rebels!!! Hard-core vegans!!! Thats so much more rebellious then those soft-core vegans who only eat vegetable matter. The hard-core ones eat it like tomorrow will never come!!! :rolleyes:

"I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it,"
"I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it,"
"I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it,"



Super Genius
I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't seen an "onslaught of attacks by President Bush". I've seen his record questioned. If you can't ask about his record, what can you ask about? I've seen Bush questioning his "plans" for when he's president. Again, if you can't ask about that, what can you ask about? I've seen questions about which foreign leaders he talked to (a fair question IMO). Is that an onslaught?

How would Kerry feel about Bush calling him a liar or crooked? What about if he said that Kerry ruined the economy (despite the fact that it is doing well)? I've seen a much greater onslaught of attacks from Kerry than I have from Bush. Of course, maybe that's just because they just had all the Dem primaries and associated debates. But since he's the unofficial Dem candidate, doesn't that mean that Bush can start fighting back?


This Space for Rent
Its the New York Times. Of course they will make it sound like Kerry is being picked on. We just read through that part of the American Pravda now.

The sad part is they are probably trying to make him sound picked on and protect him but instead make him into a bigger ass.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Y, obviously you didn't receive your LibSpeak to English dictionary.

Democratic attacks = That Bush is a no-good lousy criminal who wants to kill your grandma by withholding her medicine and kill our young people by sending them over to foreign lands. Bush wants to kill all black people and gay people and he hates women, too! He wants to fire everyone in America and give their jobs to Armenian immigrants!

Republican attacks = Let's take a look at Senator Kerry's voting record....

Get with the program.



Originally posted by ylexot
But since he's the unofficial Dem candidate, doesn't that mean that Bush can start fighting back?

You gotta understand, these are the people who, when Clinton was president, were shocked and horrified by the stupid affrontery perpetrated in mean-spiritedness and hatespeech by the republicans. In fact, mean-spirited and hatespeech were bigtime buzzwords in the mid-nineties.

Now, they are saying the meanest fcking things about Bush that I've ever heard anyone say about anyone.

BUT: They think it's just fine, because "Well, all the stuff we're saying is true."

This is the mindset that these people have.

It's nothing but sheer morbid hypocrisy, and they just can't - or won't - see it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There was some guy on MSNBC the other night that was actually trying to make the case that when Kerry talks about what a no-goodnik Bush is, that's actually a REPUBLICAN attack on KERRY. His reasoning was that if Bush wasn't such a poor President and bad prson in general, Kerry wouldn't have to point out his wicked ways and make himself look like he was attacking, when he's merely stating facts. :lmao:


Well-Known Member

"Idaho, to be sure, is very much a red state, but Ketchum is actually a dot of deep Democratic blue on the political map. Many stop signs here have "Bush 2004" spray-painted underneath, and the rebellious teenagers tend to be "hard-core vegans," said Barrett Cincotta, 13.

"Everyone in this town is anti-Bush," Barrett, a Junior Olympic skier, said between runs. "He's trying to destroy our planet."

I thought I'd post the rest of the line from the NYT.
I know I shouldn't be amazed at the sheer stupidity of young Barrett but it is so sad...This is the beauty of Liberal indoctrination. I can even imagine the essay assignment from his Public school teacher...
"OK Class, I want a two page assignment on any one of these topics:
A) How the Republicans stole the 2000 election
B) The wonders of the Kyoto treaty.
C) Why we must surrender our foreign policy to the UN.
D) John W. Lindh, misunderstood American hero.

And remember class, we will keep doing these until everyone completes an essay, then we can move on...and as always..Everybody gets an "A":dance:

What a pathetic indoctrination of the Nazi Youth, don't think: just chant the party line! Bush's goal is to destroy the planet? What is he some kind of Bond Villian? This is one of our gifted "Rock the Vote" protoge's...unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
Why does "He's trying to destroy the planet" sound as ridiculous to me as the "eco-villains" of "Captain Planet", who weren't after making a buck as much as they just wanted to destroy everything?

What a stupid, stupid, dumb-azz comment. He wants to end life as we know it on this planet!

It's too stupid to laugh at.


Hey if he gets worn out being the president he can always buy a ranch out in Texas to take 30 day vacations on:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Super Genius
Originally posted by darkriver4362
Hey if he gets worn out being the president he can always buy a ranch out in Texas to take 30 day vacations on:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I don't care about John Kerry taking a vacation. He's been travelling for the past several months (and he was sick for part of it). I know that can drain a person. The problem I have is with the article saying that it was because of all the Bush "attack ads". If that's really what drained him, he definitely is not fit to be Pres.

Oh, and if I were Pres., I'd spend as little time as possible at the White House too. I'd probably spend as much time as possible at Camp David...more peaceful and easier to think there. Also, the Pres. is never really "on vacation". You'd better believe that he has briefs several times a day no matter where he is. How many world leaders have been to Crawford? I know it's at least four. Meeting with world leaders doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me.


Originally posted by ylexot
I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I don't care about John Kerry taking a vacation. He's been travelling for the past several months (and he was sick for part of it). I know that can drain a person. The problem I have is with the article saying that it was because of all the Bush "attack ads". If that's really what drained him, he definitely is not fit to be Pres.

Oh, and if I were Pres., I'd spend as little time as possible at the White House too. I'd probably spend as much time as possible at Camp David...more peaceful and easier to think there. Also, the Pres. is never really "on vacation". You'd better believe that he has briefs several times a day no matter where he is. How many world leaders have been to Crawford? I know it's at least four. Meeting with world leaders doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me.

I know Putin, Blair, The Former Spanish PM and Vincente Fox, I understand what you are saying, but they should go to Camp David, not his personal home. Camp David is the designated presidential retreat.


Super Genius
I guess I just consider the "office" of the President to be wherever the President is. I think the reason Bush goes to Texas is because that is where he's comfortable. Personally, I'd be more comfortable at Camp David because I like trees and mountains, but I'd probably be even more comfortable somewhere in Colorado or Montana. I think if he's seeking comfort, he should go wherever he's most comfortable. Don't you work better when you're comfortable?

Of course, I'm just speculating...


Originally posted by ylexot
I guess I just consider the "office" of the President to be wherever the President is. I think the reason Bush goes to Texas is because that is where he's comfortable. Personally, I'd be more comfortable at Camp David because I like trees and mountains, but I'd probably be even more comfortable somewhere in Colorado or Montana. I think if he's seeking comfort, he should go wherever he's most comfortable. Don't you work better when you're comfortable?

Of course, I'm just speculating...

Yeah that's true, if I was prez I'd be more comfortable at home, but I'd want to be in D.C....White House or at Camp David. I don't know why but I wouldn't feel like I was doing the right thing if I wasn't there....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When Clinton vacationed at Martha's Vineyard, he stayed with rich friends and money-grubbed the whole time. You could make the case that he wasn't really on vacation since he wasn't lying on the beach. Even the parties he went to weren't real social events - they were networking and fundraising things.

Bush vacations at Crawford because he actually enjoys clearing land and doing chores. But even so, he's still having meetings and phone conferences.

Presidents are never really on vacation - not like we think of it.


Nothing to see here
And here is why Kerry won't win...Azcentral.com

Not much unites Americans in these polarized days of talk radio and cable screaming heads, but we do share one thing in common and have since the birth of our Republic.

We hate snobs.