Poor little jihadist...


9/11 - Never Forget!
Story from the Gulf Daily News:
A BAHRAINI detainee at Guantanamo Bay has written his own chilling account of violence, torture and humiliation at the hands of his captors. Juma Al Dossary's words paint a haunting picture of the brutality, desperation and hopelessness of life in the cages of the notorious US camp in Cuba.

"There is no-one by my side to talk to me in this dark isolation, no-one to take away my pain, no-one I can complain to," he writes.

"I am alone in this foreign land and my only comfort is the Holy Quran."

Mr Al Dossary tells of being interrogated 600 times in three years, of being beaten, sexually humiliated, fed rotten food and denied medical treatment.
"brutality, desperation and hopelessness" :wah:
That's his description of three islamic certified meals a day, top notch medical facilities, full library, and many more amenities than the field troops in Afganistan and Iraq are enjoying.
I'm sure these three young girls would feel sorry for him, if they still had their heads attached.


Lem Putt
wmburdette said:
Story from the Gulf Daily News:

"brutality, desperation and hopelessness" :wah:
That's his description of three islamic certified meals a day, top notch medical facilities, full library, and many more amenities than the field troops in Afganistan and Iraq are enjoying.
I'm sure these three young girls would feel sorry for him, if they still had their heads attached.

You know, it would really suck to be a prisoner. I thought it sucked when I spent a summer in the Persian Gulf. I received meals, water, religious freedom, and medical care. I also heard a ship hit a mine 500 yards away, as well as seeing the USS Stark where so many people died. The difference is that I was at risk, while this detainee was not. Of course, I was being paid -$6K/year in '87. If we allow Hillary to be elected in '08, these people will probably receive far more in "compensation" for the "injustice".

When you hear what most of these terrorists live like when they are "free", I suspect they might have it a little better at Gitmo. They can write these letters, and they are published. Was Daniel Pearl allowed to do the same before his head was cut off?


Lem Putt
If someone gave me a choice between living in Bahrain and being a prisoner in Gitmo, I would definitely pick Gitmo. Bahrain is one disgusting place. We took a tour and saw their tree. Wow. If you like to eat goat, you might enjoy it .


MMDad said:
If someone gave me a choice between living in Bahrain and being a prisoner in Gitmo, I would definitely pick Gitmo. Bahrain is one disgusting place. We took a tour and saw their tree. Wow. If you like to eat goat, you might enjoy it .
Last time I ate goat, I got food poisoning. No thanks.
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: Was better in about 2 weeks and 20 lbs lighter.


Lem Putt
Vince said:
Last time I ate goat, I got food poisoning. No thanks.
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: Was better in about 2 weeks and 20 lbs lighter.

Sounds like when I ate a tamale in tijuana. Except it come out of the other end.