Poor Nachomama!

:ohwell: Cheerleading not a sport, says U.S. judge - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com

Competitive cheerleading is not an official sport that colleges can use to meet gender-equity requirements, a federal judge ruled Wednesday in ordering a Connecticut school to keep its women's volleyball team.

The volleyball players had sued Quinnipiac University after it announced last year that it would eliminate the team for budgetary reasons and replace it with a competitive cheer squad.

The school contended the cheer squad keeps it in compliance with Title IX, the 1972 federal law that mandates equal opportunities for men and women in athletics.

"Competitive cheer may, some time in the future, qualify as a sport under Title IX," U.S. District Judge Stefan Underhill wrote in his decision. "Today, however, the activity is still too underdeveloped and disorganized to be treated as offering genuine varsity athletic participation opportunities for students."


A Salute to all on Watch
:ohwell: Cheerleading not a sport, says U.S. judge - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com

Competitive cheerleading is not an official sport that colleges can use to meet gender-equity requirements, a federal judge ruled Wednesday in ordering a Connecticut school to keep its women's volleyball team.

The volleyball players had sued Quinnipiac University after it announced last year that it would eliminate the team for budgetary reasons and replace it with a competitive cheer squad.

The school contended the cheer squad keeps it in compliance with Title IX, the 1972 federal law that mandates equal opportunities for men and women in athletics.

"Competitive cheer may, some time in the future, qualify as a sport under Title IX," U.S. District Judge Stefan Underhill wrote in his decision. "Today, however, the activity is still too underdeveloped and disorganized to be treated as offering genuine varsity athletic participation opportunities for students."

I didn't think jumping rope could be considered a sport either and then a friend sent me this; girls are unbelievable, watch it all



New Member
That judge is retarded. It is a sport. They have compitions just like any other sport.

And the ones at the college level even learn how to spell competition!! :lmao:

I have to agree though... if curling is a 'sport', or golf, I mean, how much LOWER can your physical activity get?

It can't be easy to learn all those flips and wiggles.