Pope Francis' Message


sometimes it takes a Pope to speak for people to just do what makes sense.


Humans have proven they have very short memories. They receive a great message, get inspired, then go right to what they were doing. It's like diets... people go on diets, lose the weight, then when they've lost the weight they go back to the very diet that caused them to gain weight.

I think we have all the tools given us to live respectful and dignified lives, caring for others, doing unto others... Why do we need leaders like the pope to continually remind of us of these tools?
I think we have all the tools given us to live respectful and dignified lives, caring for others, doing unto others...

I could not agree more.

Why do we need leaders like the pope to continually remind of us of these tools?

We don't. I admit this Pope seems to have a conscience. But Popes of the past (even recent past) have been responsible for Millions upon Millions of human deaths. Why would anyone in their right mind look to a figurehead like that to establish their morality for them?


New Member
Assuming your statement about previous popes is true, the numbers of good and holy men who have led the Catholic Church far outnumbers the bad seeds. Even Jesus Christ Himself selected the man who would betray Him to be one of the Apostles. For what purpose? I guess to fulfill a prophecy? Point is, 1 of 12 that the Lord personally chose was no good, but was allowed for the greater good, perhaps that is true of the popes, too? 22 out of the 266 popes could be total losers and that's still .083% (if my math is correct), which is a better record than virtually anything else. Lastly, if you expected no pope would err, you must be assuming that they are God.


Soul Probe
We don't. I admit this Pope seems to have a conscience. But Popes of the past (even recent past) have been responsible for Millions upon Millions of human deaths. Why would anyone in their right mind look to a figurehead like that to establish their morality for them?

Please define "recent past" and "millions upon millions".


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Intelligently using some sort of birth control would cut down on the number of unwanted children roaming the streets. Its sort of tough to have it both ways. Having more children than you can manage is a real problem in many parts of the world.