Pope lifts excommunication of SSPX Bishops


New Member
Pope Benedict XVI has lifted the excommunication of the four bishops consecrated by the late Archbishop LsVebre. This is a big step to returning the Church to Tradition and getting rid of the errors of Vatican II.


New Member
This will mean the end of the NervousOrdo Mess that replaced the Mass of all time.
Danke Papst Benedikt!


New Member
That does not make the lifting of the Excommunications by the Holy Father bad. It is a step towards a return to Tradition by the entire Church.


New Member
You are unaware of the facts. Abhp Lefebre consecrated 4 bishops against Vatican wish, he and the four were excommunicated. The Popes since then have welcomed pagens, Mohamedens, other seperated breathern, but would not accomodate those who desired the Mass of all ages. Pope John Paul II allowed the TLM via indult, but the local Ordinary had to approve. The closest Church here was St Francis de Sales, Benedict. Pope Benedict XVI issued the Motu Propiro Summa Pontificum which allows any Catholic priest to celebrate the TLM. The last step in returning Tradionalists to Rome was the lifting of the Excommunications.


New Member
The lifting of the Excommunications was for four bishops, not just bishop Williamson. The important fact is that this is a step closer to the return of Tradition to the Church.

If you are not a lover of Tradition, then this thread is not for you. To go any further with you would require conversing with a true Catholic who understands.


New Member
  • Who were the Four Bishops?
    1. _________________
    2. _________________
    3. _________________
    4. _________________

  • Was Williamson one of the Four?
    Yes ______
    No ______

  • Did Williamson state :
    Yes ______
    No ______

  • Did Williamson claim it was not Al Qeda that attacked us on 9/11 but the "New World Order" ?
    Yes ______
    No ______

But hey who cares if one of the four believes the Holocaust is a Zionist conspiracy, that the Nazi's werent all that bad, and that 9/11 was the result of a secret cabal bent on world domination?

At least we can get back to a latin mass

I can't believe I'm going to jump in here, but why are you belaboring this point? Being an idiot, or making idiotic statements is not the reason the bishop was excommunicated, nor the reason the excommunication was lifted.
Everyone (you and I included) can be fools now and then. One issue has nothing to do with the other.


New Member
No he and the others were excomunicated thanks to Archbishop Lefebvre.

When someone makes the comment :

With the history of the Roman Churchs ties to Nazi Germany, and the fact that one of the 4 is a Nazi Sympathizer, Holocause denier and a 9/11 truther moonbat, its not all peaches and roses.

The SSPX itself has expressed its support for the Vichy (Nazi run France) Government during WW2. With that suppoprt, as well as the Vaticans ties to Nazi Germany, and Williamsons own views about Nazi Germany, do you know what your supporting?

Before you minimize Williamsons actions, his views are quite a bit more than acting foolish "now and then". When you purposely minimize his views and stances, you make others wonder if you support his views?

Well, I'll admit I am completely ignorant of the views the bishop is expressing. While I still maintain for now that one has nothing to do with the other, I'll try to find an opportunity to look into the reports sometime today.


New Member
Okay, well I've done a little reading and I see no defense of the bishop, as though his statements were taken out-of-context, nor do I see any clarification by the bishop. That said, the bishops knowledge of history, and his IQ have nothing to do with his status as a validly ordained priest.
I think the Holy Father may not have sufficiently reflected on this, and it definitely seems as though the Church would be far better off if Pope Benedict has focused his efforts on something else like excommunicating the likes of Pelosi, Biden and Kennedy.


Habari Na Mijeldi
When all is said and done, the RC Church has been demonizing Jews for centuries. Why stop now?


New Member

Even as a Christ Punching Atheist, I think i'd be able to look the other way with that intrusion of Church in state matters :evil:

If one believes that the unborn baby is a human being with all of the intrinsic value of you or me, then it is not an intrusion of Church into a state matter. Human life, the value of it, and the meaning of it, is the fundamental concern of the Christian church. You don't have to agree.


New Member
The Church via Pope Pius XII did much to save the Jews of Europe, The former Chief Reabbi of Rome after the War, converted to the True Faith, taking the name Eugenio in honor of Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius XII would have been canonised by now if it weere not for the interference of the Jews. They need to keep their nose out of Church Teachings, Beliefs and Actions. Next year, the Passion Play will be performed again in Oberammergau. Each time the script has to be watered down from the biblical roots to appease the Jews. They do not like the Gospel of Jesus and want it supressed.


New Member
  • Who were the Four Bishops?
    1. _________________
    2. _________________
    3. _________________
    4. _________________

  • Was Williamson one of the Four?
    Yes ______
    No ______

  • Did Williamson state :
    Yes ______
    No ______

  • Did Williamson claim it was not Al Qeda that attacked us on 9/11 but the "New World Order" ?
    Yes ______
    No ______

But hey who cares if one of the four believes the Holocaust is a Zionist conspiracy, that the Nazi's werent all that bad, and that 9/11 was the result of a secret cabal bent on world domination?

At least we can get back to a latin mass

Much of the Hollywood Left said 9/11 was staged: Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.

Next you will say that we have to believe the lone gunman theory of JFK's Assisination, forget the shots people heard comming from the grassy knoll, and accept the single bullet theory. (Those of you too young to remember the Kennedy Assination, ask your parents.


New Member
Bishop Williamson is entitled to his opinions as are you. Just because they go so strongly against the history of the time, should not mean he or anyone else should be silent. People say and believe many things I find reprehensible, but it is their opinion.
I do not have to believe the single gunman theory. The first reports I heard at the time were shots from the grassy knoll. The Warren Commission said one bullet hit JFK, left him, hit Gov Connolly, then left him and hit JFK. Watch some of the documentaries the History Channel put out, you can buy them.

As for Pope Pius XII, he was asked by FDR to stay neutral against Communism since the US FDR was Buddy or Uncle Joe. The Holy Father said he could not attack one form of totalitarianism and not all, so he kept quiet, but worked underground.
The real reason he has not yet been canonized is that the Modernists that took over with Pop John XXIII want one of the councilor popes canonized first to give some cache to VII.


New Member
So his condemnation of the Russian (Communist) invasion into Finland, while maintaining silence during the attrocities going on in Germany, even when Bishops from Germany were asking him to speak out, was him not taking sides?


Think for a minute: FDR complained about the condemnation of Soviets as they were his friends, the Pope did not speak out afterwards.

The Soviets were the winners of that war by the way, half of Europe went behind the Iron Curtain.


New Member
The only "truth" you know is the one written by the victors with no regard to the actual events. You have been brainwashed by the secular history and the errors of Vatican II.
Bishop Fellay for Pope!