Pope stirs Communion debate with call to woman


Bead mumbler
"A Vatican spokesman confirmed the telephone call but would not comment on the conversation’s content."

Still don't believe he uttered the words, it's ok for her to receive communion...


New Member
"A Vatican spokesman confirmed the telephone call but would not comment on the conversation’s content."

Still don't believe he uttered the words, it's ok for her to receive communion...
You're right, he probably said "no está mal para que ella recibiera la comunión".


Well-Known Member
I believe this will probably be decided in October when all of those pointy hat guys convene for their synod in the Vatican to stand or fall on the survey of which results will not be released until, if, then. It is coming to a head, and there will be many happy and unhappy catholics. I hope the Bible wins.
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Bead mumbler
I believe this will probably be decided in October when all of those pointy hat guys convene for their synod in the Vatican to stand or fall on the survey of which results will not be released until, if, then. It is coming to a head, and there will be many happy and unhappy catholics. I hope the Bible wins.

The gates of hell shall not prevail. Haven't yet. Synods come and go--don't expect much--certainly no change in dogma. Have you thanked the RCC for giving you your bible that you hope wins?


Well-Known Member
The gates of hell shall not prevail. Haven't yet. Synods come and go--don't expect much--certainly no change in dogma. Have you thanked the RCC for giving you your bible that you hope wins?

You are a hoot. Maybe it is just MD catholics in general, but you, at least, are always on the defensive. Why is that?

My Bible only has 66 books that have been declared by the keepers to be divinely inspired. I'll stick with that.

In the meantime, keep on ranting and raving. You are fun to read.:lmao:


New Member
Even if the pope did tell this woman she could receive the Holy Eucharist, it doesn't change the doctrine of the Church, which is the only thing that is Divinely Protected. There have been dozens of examples of bad popes, popes making erroneous statements, and priests behaving badly; none of that means the CC has changed teachings. If the day ever comes (and I know it won't) that Pope Francis comes out and says "women can be priests", or "abortion is a woman's right", or some other such change in teaching, I will run as fast as I can from the Catholic Church, because all I have believed will be proven false. But, I trust the Lord with all of my heart, and I know He gave me Holy Mother Church to help me along the way.


Bead mumbler
You are a hoot. Maybe it is just MD catholics in general, but you, at least, are always on the defensive. Why is that?

When you refer to mitres as pointy hats I shouldn't be irritated? Would you be irritated if I referred to your pastor as the snake oil salesman in the shark skin suit? Or does he go all modern and wear a flowered shirt and flip flops?
When you refer to mitres as pointy hats I shouldn't be irritated? Would you be irritated if I referred to your pastor as the snake oil salesman in the shark skin suit? Or does he go all modern and wear a flowered shirt and flip flops?

Personally, I preferred an OP shirt and flip flops when proselytizing in California and Mexico.
Getting back to the topic, I would have to agree with you that the lady misinterpreted what the Pope said to her. Even though his demeanor is more humanistic than his predecessor and he appears to be 'progressive', I remain highly skeptical he would be bold enough to make any sweeping changes. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
When you refer to mitres as pointy hats I shouldn't be irritated? Would you be irritated if I referred to your pastor as the snake oil salesman in the shark skin suit? Or does he go all modern and wear a flowered shirt and flip flops?

Pointy hats are pointy hats. Call them whatever you want. But they are still pointy hats.

We have elders and stewards/deacons. No pastor. Elders for the spiritual aspect and well being of each assembly/gathering/whatever you want to call it, and stewards/deacons for the business end of running the assembly.

Our weekly speakers wear a suit and tie, regardless of the event, from within our group or from other speakers from other assemblies. We look after each other. OP, shorts and flip flops are big around here on anything other than the weddings, funerals, Sunday communion, followed by the Family Bible Hour.

Problem with that? I have never found any kind of dress code in the Bible. I would imagine you would.


Soul Probe
The Essenes -the Jewish sect/leaders/theologians back in the day that kept and interpreted the manuscripts before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Wait, you mean the Pharisees didn't do that? Or the Therapeutae or the Ethiopian Jews? Just the Essenes? The same Essenes whom have yet to be proven to be the keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls? The same Essenes who if they were the keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls also kept Sirach, Tobit, and Baruch but didn't bother with Esther? The same Essenes who also kept Enoch? Those Essenes?