Poplar Ridge Rd. Residents


New Member
Poplar Ridge Rd. cleanup is scheduled for Saturday the 30th April with rain dates of Sunday May 1, time & meeting location TBA. :patriot:

:howdy: If you live on or near this road and want to help clean up, please reply to this forum or call 301.769.8232 to get on the list of helpers. Thanks for the support and efforts at keeping our county beautiful.

Trisha :diva:
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New Member
Ok, there seems to be a misunderstanding... This is for residents of the road listed there above... it's not a joke.


New Member
Already aware of the forcast but thank you anyway for reminding me.
That's why there is a rain date posted... :banana:


New Member
Ok, I can see some people just don't give up or just have nothing better to do..
If it rains so be it, we'll get wet. :loser: