Technically, this isn't good news. However, I did approve a "Yay Bush" message yesterday because it did fall under the category of Good News. So I felt compelled to give this woman an audience somewhere."4 MORE YEARS OF THE SAME"!!!
It hurts so bad to know that for the next 4 years, I have to continue to struggle! Struggle to buy gas for my car, food for my children, better education for my children. I am educated, have a pretty good job, live in an okay neighborhood BUT- I live paycheck to paycheck because of our economy. I cannot save for my future. My future and the future for my children is a huge ????? right now! So to all of the people who stand behind BUSH- wealthy or not- please remember my stuggle over the next 4 years. As his family continues to get richer- we middle class will continue to pay the price for it!
- A Single Middle Class Woman!
Hoepfully she'll come on with a forum account.