Posted in Good News Announcements


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It hurts so bad to know that for the next 4 years, I have to continue to struggle! Struggle to buy gas for my car, food for my children, better education for my children. I am educated, have a pretty good job, live in an okay neighborhood BUT- I live paycheck to paycheck because of our economy. I cannot save for my future. My future and the future for my children is a huge ????? right now! So to all of the people who stand behind BUSH- wealthy or not- please remember my stuggle over the next 4 years. As his family continues to get richer- we middle class will continue to pay the price for it!

- A Single Middle Class Woman!
Technically, this isn't good news. However, I did approve a "Yay Bush" message yesterday because it did fall under the category of Good News. So I felt compelled to give this woman an audience somewhere.

Hoepfully she'll come on with a forum account.


Maybe she could be Aunt Jemimas' new bestest buddy?

Sounds like she has enough problems.Do you really want to submit the poor woman to the wrath of the political forum?


vraiblonde said:
Technically, this isn't good news. However, I did approve a "Yay Bush" message yesterday because it did fall under the category of Good News. So I felt compelled to give this woman an audience somewhere.

Hoepfully she'll come on with a forum account.

:clap: good ju ju for you for unification :huggy:


Not dead yet.
Isn't that Soiled's Mama?

You know what people? Life is hard. I worked my butt off from job to job until I found that career that was right for me. Sometimes it just takes longer, but this is still America - the land of opportunity. Get off your butt and try something new if you're not happy or don't make enough money.