"Posting from work?"


Enjoying life!
I've noticed that a lot of the posts on SOMD occur between 9:00a and 5:00p. Given the vehement steadvastedness of the majority of convictions, I ask whether that is acceptible to you?

I have Internet access at work, but not at my desk. (Hopefully soon!) But is that a good investment of your company's money?

What say you?


b*tch rocket
I say you're just jealous! :moon: :razz: :moon:  Besides, some of us can't post at home due to our spouses hogging the computer! :moon: :razz: :moon:


New Member
I don't think it's appropriate to post during work hours.  I get paid by my company to do work for them...not play around on the computer however...I get my work done!  If they don't like it-- :moon:

Has anyone ever been repremanded for non-business internet use during work hours?


Enjoying life!
Great! Of course, like Christy said, the only reason I ask is out of jealousy!

We have one terminal for about 12 employees, so no one spends too much time surfing the net. My wife, however, like many of you it seems, has Internet access right where she sits. And it's not fair! I come home from work and have to hear about ALL the stuff she learned at work today. Drudge. News. Personal research. Products. Yadda-yadda-yadda. Then I have to catch up! Mostly I say "That's nice." or "Really!?"

Actually, I would have access but we lack bandwidth. Like I said, someday I'll have it too. Then you will all hate me! :spank:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You have a simple problem with a simple answer...when daddy gets home just tell her to get the hell off of YOUR computer.

It doesn't work for me either but it sure changes the subject from having to hear all about the stupid internet, real quick and besides, it's the manly thing to do. Then I go out on the stoop (she says it was named after me, I don't get it) and have a beer.  



I think that internet access from work is like a benefit. Obviously, business must get done, but if there is nothing to do at the moment I think people should be allowed to use company internet for personal use. Of course there should be guidelines regarding offensive material, but it's like a company providing health club memberships or tickets for Orioles games.
Things like this are perfectly healthy and don't harm a soul


I am mainly on the net during free time. I am not a smoker so I use my rightfully earned "smoke break" to cruz the net. I think every job has a bit of free time in between tasks. If I sat at my desk and went from job to job to job I wouldn't be doing this for very long. Just like a construction worker has to sit down after working with the shovel for a while to rest his body. I feel I have the right to interupt the thinking process of my brain and "get away" for a minute to rest it. In my line of work taking a break will actually help. I get better ideas if I slow down and not get caught up in the rush, the quality of work is much better.


Im On 1.
I know in my company's policy is said internet use shouldn't be "abused." Didnt say I couldn't go on it, just said it shouldn't be "abused". I dont think Im abusing it by posting on this board when my work load slows down. :coffee: As long as Im getting my job done, then no the company is not losing out.


Go Jeff Gordon
As long as your work is getting done, it's done correctly and efficiently, I see no issue with using the internet. I visit 1 or 2 chatrooms also, but only when my work is sufficiently complete.