Posting Your Storm/Disaster Pics -- Ernesto, Katrina, Lighthouse Fire


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Since many members have been posting pics of the various storm damage, I have updated the Photo Gallery to accomodate everyone:

1) The "Natural Disasters" gallery has been expanded to include "Disasters - Natural & Man-Made."

2) Added a subgallery for Ernesto:

3) Added a subgallery for the Lighthouse Inn Fire back in March:

4) I noticed that alot of people have already posted for Pics for Katrina from when they went down to render aid, so I created a new subcategory for Katrina:

Note: I'll move the existing pics into that folder later on today.

Any Premium member can uploaded photos to these areas. Non-Premo members can only upload to their Personal Gallery.

PHOTO FILE TIPS: For the best viewing of your pics, export them from your photo software with a width of 800 pixels and one of the lesser quality settings so that your file size is around 100 Kbytes or less.

If you are using the fantastic Picasa software:

1) Select the photos(s) to be exported

2) Select File->Export Picture to a folder

3) Select "Resize to:" and set the size to 800

4) Set the Image Quality to Minimum

5) Press OK

6) Your pics are now ready for uploading.

If you don't already have the free Picasa Photo Management tool from Google, you can get it here:

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If you need help from us, just open a support ticket at You can also email photos that you would like to see preserved in the Photo Gallery to webmaster @ But, please only send ones that you personally took -- for copyright reasons. :)