Potomac Speedway Taken Over by Aliens!



I am absolutely impressed ( and that's saying something!)

The track is under new management this year and boy, does this new guy have his Shi@t together!

He's sunk more than 1/2 a million dollars into improvements already and for the first time in 4 years I'm actually excited about the season!

New Crew and Man, do they ever have it going on!

Just thought I'd share that! :biggrin:


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
Thats cool to here about the circle track.The millers took over Mir they truned that place around over night last year they spent over 4 moillon dollars on improvements for this year thay are have four race on tv .So hopefuly from what you are saying about this guy he will do the same thing.


You're all F'in Mad...
Did Pete retire from the racetrack business, or did his contract expire, and he didn't renew it?

Who's the new Jones guy? Not local? Is he associated with the Saluda track, since I see there is some cooperation between the two? And are the Sawyers at Saluda associated with the Richmond folks?


Pete has officially retired. He will be down at the track every weekend assisting with grading etc. I think he's ready for a little rest and relaxation.

Rick Jones has been racing at Potomac forever. He owns a Construction Company but I don't think I ever asked which one.

I really like Mark Potter and Rick Jones! It's just really neat to have such excited new blood taking over. :smile:

I don't think he's associated with Saluda but Rick and Mark will be running "The Rock Speedway" in Cumberland Maryland also.
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You're all F'in Mad...
See the January New Item, Va Motor Speedway and Potomac Speedway to offer $50,000 bonus...???

(Shouldn't you know what's on that site!?!) :biggrin:


Originally posted by Oz
(Shouldn't you know what's on that site!?!) :biggrin:

Blah Ha Ha Ha Ha! Yes, I guess I should..... but at the rate people update I've become "The Queen of Cut and Paste!" :biggrin:

Terrible, Is'nt it.......