Potter Kid faces the Ax for Fifth Film


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
'Potter' Kids Face Ax for Fifth Film

Tuesday, May 25, 2004
By Russell Scott Smith

It's too bad Daniel Radcliffe (search) can't put a No Grow spell on himself.

The 14-year-old face of the "Harry Potter" (search) movies is getting too old to play the part, so his role may eventually be recast with a younger actor, producers admitted yesterday.

linkage: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,120857,00.html

That's a shame... you would think with makeup, special effects, and camera tricks they could use the same kids to play them all...

Just don't know that I'd enjoy the series as much without Radcliffe and Watson.


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PREMO Member
Yeah, saw it Friday. And I liked it as much as the others, and it definitely is funnier, but there are other differences, some good and some bad. Thankfully, there's no dreadfully long Quidditch match that just sucks up screen time. Draco Malfoy has changed a bit - same actor, he's just growing up and the actor refused to do the slicked-back hair. He's less menacing and more cowardly than we've seen in previous movies. Harry is beginning to show a bit more brass, as you'll see in the opening scenes.

But it IS a bit different. Less scenes with the teachers - less scenes of the students in uniforms in the large hall (or cafeteria or whatever it is). There's slightly less sense that they're at school at all. And like all the Potter stories, you gotta pay attention. Maybe it's me, but sometimes I can't figure out what the heck is going on.

Every bit as good as the other two.