I've tried the whole 'naked weekend' thing - and every time she wet her pants. She actually held a poo for 2 days because I wouldn't give her a diaper.
Been there done that.
Buy a toy she wants, put it up high (where she can see it), make a simple chart with attractive stickers. ( I would do a daily chart at her age) If she goes pee, let her put a sticker on the chart, If she takes a dump, put two stickers on her chart, when it is full give her the prize. I also suggest confetti in a little jar and throw a little party evertime she goes (flushing the confetti with the pee or poop). I have trained three stubborm kids this way. It makes it a whole lot more fun for both of you. Good Luck!!!
tried that too, didn't work
Eventually she just started bribing him and he picked it up in a heartbeat.
I tried that too and every time she wanted the bribe, she sat on the toilet and let out a couple of drops. As soon as she was finished with her candy bribe, she suddenly had to go again.
I used to set the timer on the kitchen stove for every 20 minutes, and I'd take them into the bathroom when the timer went off. Didn't always do something, but soon got the idea of using the bathroom. Also made a big deal of Mom and Dad using the bathroom...didn't necessarily leave the door open, but they knew we were in there and what we were doing.
Good Luck! Life without diapers is wonderful!
Sheesh, I always had a whole frigging audience every time I went to the bathroom...they knew what it was for, they just didn't care to do it themselves.
Take her into the bathroom each time you go and make a big deal out of Mommy using the toilet.
see above.
Hev you tried buying her big girl panties and making a big thing out of that?
I love a sticker chart, for sure.
"They" say never to bribe with food, but never underestimate the power of m&m's. 2 for pee, 3 for poop.
If it is a power struggle, I would act like you don't care at all for a week or two to take all of the "power" out of it. Good luck and much respect for the single parenthood! Don't worry too much, she won't pee in her prom dress, kwim?
bribes, stickers, it works for some, never worked for mine. Power struggle? OH YEAH! They love a power struggle. They can control this and they can get your reaction.
Single mom? I imagine that means girl spends a lot of time with someone else while you make a living, so when she does see you, she's begging for attention.
Your job is to take away her power. Don't react, be very matter of fact about changing her. Give her tons of attention when she's dry and a big sad look of disappointment when she's not. It may not be easy. It will take time.
Ignore anyone who tries to make you feel like a bad mommy because she's not trained.
If someone says or implies that they could get her trained in a day, a weekend or whatever, by all means let them try (I did

they didn't have much to say on the subject after that.)
My mother was the disapproving one...until her mother pointed out that SHE was over 3, (for that matter, so was I) and THAT was back in the day of cloth diapers.