Pouting Man goes two decades not talking to his Wife


Lawful neutral

A husband in Japan went for 20 years without speaking to his wife because he was jealous of the attention she paid to their children, according to reports.

Eventually, the couple's desperate 18-year-old son wrote to a Hokkaido TV show asking them to fix the situation as he had never heard his parents have a conversation.

Dad Otou Katayama would reportedly only grunt and nod in response to wife Yumi's efforts to speak to him, despite the pair having three grown-up children.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The wife went about 19.5 years too long in indulging that nonsense. Don't they have divorce in Japan?
Historically, Japanese women are completely and totally subservient to men and it was worth your life to contradict. That's changing in more recent times, but is still prevalent.