PRA and Christian School


Asperger's Poster Child
Jeez, couldn't this group have chosen a different case to make its point about conflicts of interest?

Sure, the PRA is right when it says that banking interests shouldn't be represented on the planning commission. The St. Mary's County government has a terrible track record in this area--for many years, the chairman of the planning board owned a bank that financed a lot of the local construction. That's like Daniel Snyder working as a referee during a Redskins game.

But why hold up the Christian school's permits over this issue? The PRA is punishing the wrong people.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Tonio
But why hold up the Christian school's permits over this issue? The PRA is punishing the wrong people.

And you're surprised about...???


Asperger's Poster Child
Not surprised, just disappointed and outraged. This group has always loved making headlines. But years ago they picked better targets, like the oil refinery proposal and the incinerator at the wood treatment plant.