Predicting the Portrayal of Palin


Super Genius
I haven't seen this from Nonno or nhboy, so I'm pretty sure that the left hasn't taken this tack yet and I expect to hear it from them some time in the future...

The "too weak" portrayal isn't sticking and I don't expect it to ever work on Palin. I expect them to suddenly start saying that she's too strong...a ball-busting beotch. They you will probably see her portrayed as Cruella De Vil, the witch from Snow White, or (if they are clever enough) the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia.

My prediction, let's see if I'm right this time (I thought it was going to be Romney).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They'll keep harping on her inexperience for awhile, until it dawns on them that the public isn't buying it. She actually has more executive experience than their Presidential candidate.

I'll bet they try to tie her to Stevens. But if they're smart, they'll leave her be and focus on McCain.


New Member
who else has this kind of experience! shes the wo-man!

goes to show shes not a typical politician. another plus!



New Member
I haven't seen this from Nonno or nhboy, so I'm pretty sure that the left hasn't taken this tack yet and I expect to hear it from them some time in the future...

The "too weak" portrayal isn't sticking and I don't expect it to ever work on Palin. I expect them to suddenly start saying that she's too strong...a ball-busting beotch. They you will probably see her portrayed as Cruella De Vil, the witch from Snow White, or (if they are clever enough) the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia.

My prediction, let's see if I'm right this time (I thought it was going to be Romney).

They already have:

Kerry Attacks Palin As "Cheney-esque", By Martin Kady II - CBS News

The Politico) Democrats have come up with a new line of attack line against John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin, saying she's another Dick Cheney.

Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) described Palin as a member of the "flat-earth caucus," who McCain picked purely to please the conservative base.

"With the choice of Gov. Palin, it’s the third term of Dick Cheney," Kerry said on ABC News' "This Week." "He’s chosen somebody who doesn’t believe climate change is man-made."

Kerry added that Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters should be offended if people suggest Palin was selected to draw some of the female vote away from the Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket.

"It’s almost insulting to the Hillary supporters," Kerry said, calling Palin a "Cheneyesque social conservative who’s going to satisfy the base. John McCain is a prisoner of the right wing, not a maverick."

The Republican counter attack has been to play up Palin's credentials as "commander in chief" of the Alaska National Guard, with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), saying "she’s tough, she’s talented, she’s ready to lead. … compard to Sen. Obama, she’s qualified beyond belief.”


Lovin' being Texican
Democrats recognize the Kerry is damaged goods....

Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) described Palin as a member of the "flat-earth caucus," who McCain picked purely to please the conservative base.

...whose only use to the party is as an enforcer. Wonder how Teraaaza feels about that.


New Member
Kerry as an enforcer? I dont think so. he just leads the whine.

Kerry is like the bearing that goes bad and starts screeching before the wheel falls off.


I'm the Boss of Me
Oh, Christ, she's another Harriet Miers pick for the Supreme Court.

Honestly, can't you guys get a better pick? Got anyone in the GOP who's a woman with more experience? Kay Bailey Hutchinson from Texas? Olympia Dukakis from Washington?

McCain didn't even properly vet Palin so you will find out all sorts of gotchas in her past soon enough.

I haven't seen this from Nonno or nhboy, so I'm pretty sure that the left hasn't taken this tack yet and I expect to hear it from them some time in the future...

The "too weak" portrayal isn't sticking and I don't expect it to ever work on Palin. I expect them to suddenly start saying that she's too strong...a ball-busting beotch. They you will probably see her portrayed as Cruella De Vil, the witch from Snow White, or (if they are clever enough) the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia.

My prediction, let's see if I'm right this time (I thought it was going to be Romney).


Power with Control
Oh, Christ, she's another Harriet Miers pick for the Supreme Court.

Honestly, can't you guys get a better pick? Got anyone in the GOP who's a woman with more experience? Kay Bailey Hutchinson from Texas? Olympia Dukakis from Washington?

McCain didn't even properly vet Palin so you will find out all sorts of gotchas in her past soon enough.

Damn, your connected, and you know that how?


Power with Control
McCain didn't even properly vet Palin so you will find out all sorts of gotchas in her past soon enough.

Palin Made an Impression From the Start

Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager and the person at the point of the vice presidential process, said there was no abrupt change of course in the final hours. Nor, he said, was Palin selected without having gone through the full vetting process that was done for other finalists. That process included reviews of financial and other personal data, an FBI background check and considerable discussion among the handful of McCain advisers involved in the deliberations.

Research, then post, you look smarter that way.


No Use for Donk Twits
Kerry as an enforcer? I dont think so. he just leads the whine.

Kerry is like the bearing that goes bad and starts screeching before the wheel falls off.

Jeepers, I almost choked to death laughing so hard at that description!

Took me five minutes to regain my composure.

In summary, how apt!


No Use for Donk Twits
Oh, Christ, she's another Harriet Miers pick for the Supreme Court.

Honestly, can't you guys get a better pick? Got anyone in the GOP who's a woman with more experience? Kay Bailey Hutchinson from Texas? Olympia Dukakis from Washington?

McCain didn't even properly vet Palin so you will find out all sorts of gotchas in her past soon enough.

Kay is a southern gal, good but the South is already locked up for McCain.

Who is Olympia Dukakis? Yeah, good choice!

More experience doing what? Leading, negotiating or running for office?

That argument is as silly as Hillary's experience claim. Heck, on that basis we should elect Bush's mom as President. She's got experience as the mother of the current President, former governor, and wife to the past President, Vice President and head of the CIA. Sharing pillows is not the kind of experience I'm basing my vote upon.

Based on your criteria, why in the heck did the super "D"s ignore the popular vote to pick the most inexperienced dude in the Senate?


Bookseller Lady
I think he meant Olympia Snow. I think she's actually from Maine?

That being said, I do think there were other, much more qualified Republican women he could have picked.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think he meant Olympia Snow. I think she's actually from Maine?

But she's extremely liberal and wouldn't win him the votes he needs.

Name another Republican Governor who would have been better than Palin. Because so far the conservatives, who John McCain has alienated, adore her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And Vegmom, don't forget, McCain isn't after your vote. He knows you will vote for Obama no matter what. He needs to pull from conservatives, like me, who aren't all that hot on him.

This was an excellent pick. And keep in mind that he's not picking the VP that liberals will go for - he knows you're all a lost cause.


Bookseller Lady
And Vegmom, don't forget, McCain isn't after your vote. He knows you will vote for Obama no matter what. He needs to pull from conservatives, like me, who aren't all that hot on him.

This was an excellent pick. And keep in mind that he's not picking the VP that liberals will go for - he knows you're all a lost cause.

But people like me don't always vote the party line. I would have voted for McCain in 2000 if he had gotten the nom. I considered voting for him early on in this election cycle. Really, what huge gaping differences are there between him and Obama? The main things that swayed me towards Obama were how he handles himself on an International stage and that he has a more contempletive personality.

BTW- didn't you say you liked Biden way back when the Primary Season was getting started?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BTW- didn't you say you liked Biden way back when the Primary Season was getting started?

Yep, and I still like Biden. I think he was an inspired choice for Obama. I don't agree with him politically so much, but if someone held a gun to my head and said, "Vote for a Democrat for President or DIE!" I'd probably pick Biden.

But I think Palin was an inspired choice for McCain. She's strong where he is weak.


Well-Known Member
I think he meant Olympia Snow. I think she's actually from Maine?

That being said, I do think there were other, much more qualified Republican women he could have picked.
Outside of Condi Rice (who, IMO, should have run for pres), who would you go for? I'm not arguing against what you're saying, I'm curious who you think....