Predicting the Portrayal of Palin


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Yep, and I still like Biden. I think he was an inspired choice for Obama. I don't agree with him politically so much, but if someone held a gun to my head and said, "Vote for a Democrat for President or DIE!" I'd probably pick Biden.

But I think Palin was an inspired choice for McCain. She's strong where he is weak.
Unless Harry Truman were resurrected or Zell Miller rejuvenated...

Better dead, than red.


But people like me don't always vote the party line. I would have voted for McCain in 2000 if he had gotten the nom. I considered voting for him early on in this election cycle. Really, what huge gaping differences are there between him and Obama? The main things that swayed me towards Obama were how he handles himself on an International stage and that he has a more contempletive personality.

BTW- didn't you say you liked Biden way back when the Primary Season was getting started?
Even if I were for some of the policies that Obama is for, personality and how he handles himself wouldn't sway me towards one candidate or another. Voting records, political stance on the issues, things like that are what make a decision for me on a candidate. I would vote Democrat if the candidate were the right one. Obama is NOT!!! At least not for me.


'95 ZX6R
Even if I were for some of the policies that Obama is for, personality and how he handles himself wouldn't sway me towards one candidate or another. Voting records, political stance on the issues, things like that are what make a decision for me on a candidate. I would vote Democrat if the candidate were the right one. Obama is NOT!!! At least not for me.

exactly - I don't trust a thing politicians say. just look at how hillary and bill did a 180 to talk about how Obama is ready for office when a few months ago they were talking up his inexperience etc.

I only trust politicians records. and Obamas voting record is not good, and the amount that it varries from wha he claims to stand for is another reason not to vote for him.