Premature baby born with tumor.....



A premature baby who had a tumor growing from her back that was bigger than she was waged a fight for her life before she was even born.

Doctors said the tumor weighed more than the baby, Tori Anne, when it was removed. It rose from her backbone and stole blood from her heart and brain.

"I didn't see the tumor until after she was born, and I'm very thankful for that," said Tori Anne's mother, Callie Schoenherr. "I feel like God was just protecting my heart."

Surgeons had to deliver Tori Anne, save her life and hopefully spare her lifelong deformity.

Tori Anne's heart was almost pumping enough blood for another twin, doctors said.

It took hours of surgery, but now all that remains is a Y-shaped incision.

Doctors said Tori Anne's kind of tumor is extremely rare -- it only happens once in every 400,000 babies.

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New Member
What a beautiful baby! I'm glad it went off w/out a hitch.

Being born premature is a big enough struggle. My daughter (now age 12 almost) was born 10 weeks premature. The first few months of her life were absolute agonly!