Prenatal massage anywhere?


Dream Stealer
Try Michelle Lea is Hollywood.

Michelle Lea Massage Therapy


:yeahthat: I had several prenatals at michelle lea..they were sooo lovely. The place is quiet and serene, you don't have to go into a noisy salon and the ladies are so sweet. And the best part of all is the price is very reasonable..I was able to have a few during my pregnancy. GREAT for your blood flow and everything. Just have to be out of your first trimester.

Def go to michelle lea. Wonderful experience.


Active Member
The best I had was through Calvert Memorial. The lady came down to Solomons for it. Very relaxing and I didn't feel like I'd been hit by a bus after!


In My Opinion
If you want it done by an old fat balding married guy with bad feet that has never given one before (and what woman wouldn't want that) my prices are reasonable.

as always, Im here to help.


Well-Known Member
Is it a secret? I'd like to get my preggo wife a massage...

I misread the thread title as "Parental Massage," and figured 'well that's how some pregnancies/parental part begins.'
First it's the massage, then the foreplay and on from there.

Dave and I are on the same wavelength.