

New Member
SUCK! They are seriously messing my stomach up! What prenantals were you on, and did they cause you any stomach discomfort? (ie, diarreah or constipation or cramps?) I'm dying for something that won't kill my tummy!


wandering aimlessly
SUCK! They are seriously messing my stomach up! What prenantals were you on, and did they cause you any stomach discomfort? (ie, diarreah or constipation or cramps?) I'm dying for something that won't kill my tummy!

I always had to cut them in half and take one half in the morning, one half in the evening. Cured the stomach distress.


New Member
Alot of OB's recommend taking a Flintstone vitamin daily. Easier on the stomach.

I don't remember the name of mine, but I did get sick a few times with my singleton pregnancy. With the twins, the prenatals didn't bother me.


What love is all about
Alot of OB's recommend taking a Flintstone vitamin daily. Easier on the stomach.

I don't remember the name of mine, but I did get sick a few times with my singleton pregnancy. With the twins, the prenatals didn't bother me.

I was told two Flintstone vitamins to equal what you get from a prenatal along with an iron pill to get what I needed.


Well-Known Member
SUCK! They are seriously messing my stomach up! What prenantals were you on, and did they cause you any stomach discomfort? (ie, diarreah or constipation or cramps?) I'm dying for something that won't kill my tummy!

My obgyn suggested I take them at night before bed... worked like a charm :yay:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I'm taking Primacare One and haven't had any problems, no matter what time of day I take it.


New Member
thanks ya'll. I'm er...a lil backed up from the iron in these. (yeah I know, full of sh*t, LOL) its actually got me in pain at work right now! I think I'll switch to flinestones...they at least taste good!


Where are my pants?
I was told two Flintstone vitamins to equal what you get from a prenatal along with an iron pill to get what I needed.

I was told the same thing. So just to be sure I actually compared the ingredients vs. my prescription prenatals, and it's absolutely true...the same stuff that's in the prenatals is in the Flintstones vitamins.


What love is all about
See I thought thats what it was, but I asked my hubby and he said the doc said iron, Teachs me not to ask a man. I am gonna say it was two flintstones and a folic acid. Then I later had to add iron because my iron was low. It got low with both of my kids though.


Back in the saddle
I don't know what the name of mine is but I take it at night along with Slow FE Iron pill. I haven't had any problems.


Well-Known Member
thanks ya'll. I'm er...a lil backed up from the iron in these. (yeah I know, full of sh*t, LOL) its actually got me in pain at work right now! I think I'll switch to flinestones...they at least taste good!

I cant think of the name right now but there is this fiber powder that I bought that is tasteless and you sprinkle it on your food like cereal, soup, etc... it helped counteract that side effect.


New Member
SUCK! They are seriously messing my stomach up! What prenantals were you on, and did they cause you any stomach discomfort? (ie, diarreah or constipation or cramps?) I'm dying for something that won't kill my tummy!

I was on PrimaCare One(Pink Box)..I know there is a purple box and a pink box? I'm not sure what the difference was..but anyways..I took them at night time. I switched to a different kind later on though and it was a vanilla flavored pill that coated your tummy for those upset tummies. I'm not sure what it is called? I'll have to get back to you on that.

I also had to take Iron...I was having bathroom issues with the Iron also. I got the benefiber (tastelist) its like a green bottle or something and I used that until my tummy got used to the iron, then I didn't have any problems, later in the pregnancy.


New Member
I was on PrimaCare One(Pink Box)..I know there is a purple box and a pink box? I'm not sure what the difference was..but anyways..I took them at night time. I switched to a different kind later on though and it was a vanilla flavored pill that coated your tummy for those upset tummies. I'm not sure what it is called? I'll have to get back to you on that.

I also had to take Iron...I was having bathroom issues with the Iron also. I got the benefiber (tastelist) its like a green bottle or something and I used that until my tummy got used to the iron, then I didn't have any problems, later in the pregnancy.

I was on the vanilla ones with my last pregnancy, but have NO clue what they are called. They were the best! I'll try the benefiber.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I had a lot of nausea too with prenatals. Taking it at the end of your largest meal of the day worked for me.


Back in the saddle
I cant think of the name right now but there is this fiber powder that I bought that is tasteless and you sprinkle it on your food like cereal, soup, etc... it helped counteract that side effect.


I use it for my son every now and again.

Also my doc said that drinking metamucil was fine. I also eat a cup of Fiber one cereal every morning with a banana for better taste. That helps off set the discomfort of being ummm backed up! Since I take the extra iron pill I need all the extra fiber I can get!


pretty black roses
I don't remember the name of the ones I was on but they were chewable and didn't bother my stomach at all. They didn't taste all that bad either.
I took Precare Premier. They had a stool softener so there was no constipation (which is a common complaint from pre natals).