Presenting 'the scientific theory of' evolution


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Last week's 4-3 decision by the Florida Board of Education to embrace evolution in its science standards attracted a predictable amount of media attention. But the board's debate was more than just a tale of two theories; it was a clear illustration of a strategy outlined in The Wedge Document to bring intelligent design into your home.

The Wedge Document was developed nearly 10 years ago by the Discovery Institute, the nucleus of the intelligent design movement, as a business development strategy. It detailed an aggressive 20-year plan to utilize "research and writing, publicity and opinion making, and cultural confrontation" as tools to infuse "religious, cultural, moral, and political life with intelligent design theory." The Wedge's approach first focused on academic research and writing to document doubt in evolution, then on publicity campaigning to prepare those doubts for "popular reception," and finally on the mass introduction of the theory itself. The plan's governing goal is for intelligent design to prevail as a dominant perspective in science and in many other areas of life."

Presenting 'the scientific theory of' evolution -- South Florida


Well-Known Member
"Last week's 4-3 decision by the Florida Board of Education to embrace evolution in its science standards attracted a predictable amount of media attention. But the board's debate was more than just a tale of two theories; it was a clear illustration of a strategy outlined in The Wedge Document to bring intelligent design into your home.

The Wedge Document was developed nearly 10 years ago by the Discovery Institute, the nucleus of the intelligent design movement, as a business development strategy. It detailed an aggressive 20-year plan to utilize "research and writing, publicity and opinion making, and cultural confrontation" as tools to infuse "religious, cultural, moral, and political life with intelligent design theory." The Wedge's approach first focused on academic research and writing to document doubt in evolution, then on publicity campaigning to prepare those doubts for "popular reception," and finally on the mass introduction of the theory itself. The plan's governing goal is for intelligent design to prevail as a dominant perspective in science and in many other areas of life."

Presenting 'the scientific theory of' evolution -- South Florida
Interesting cut and paste. What's YOUR opinion - why did you post this?


Well-Known Member

is a theory.
(In fact its a disfunctional theory at best)

And those who champion it are so adamant and shout the loudest trying to muzzle any critics of it:...does this show a lack of confidence? or is it because they have a superiority complex?
Maybe they do not want to embrace the logical outcomes of evolution:
Racial purity theories, infanticide, abortion, genocide, Euthanasia, nihilism, and rampant humanistic greed.

the "theory" MUST be a theory championed by communists, Marxists, Maoists...and look how they benefited the planet.
Teach the theory...teach the results.


New Member
is a theory.
(In fact its a disfunctional theory at best)

bit of the pot calling the kettle black hehe

And those who champion it are so adamant and shout the loudest trying to muzzle any critics of it:...does this show a lack of confidence? or is it because they have a superiority complex?

muzzle critics? coughGalileocough (and he was right)

Maybe they do not want to embrace the logical outcomes of evolution:
Racial purity theories, infanticide, abortion, genocide, Euthanasia, nihilism, and rampant humanistic greed.

Those are not logical outcomes ....

the "theory" MUST be a theory championed by communists, Marxists, Maoists...and look how they benefited the planet.
Teach the theory...teach the results.

the theory of evolution has been taught by many .... both good and bad .... as has creationism.


Well-Known Member
Ok..if I must,...

bit of the pot calling the kettle black hehe

muzzle critics? coughGalileocough (and he was right)
OK...when was the last time you really looked into the situation with Galileo?
The abbreviated 9th grade science book version of what happened: does NOT give a fair account. You can't throw out Galileo in this case, there is more than what meets the eye.

Those are not logical outcomes ....sure they are...Hello? If I have evolved, then I am the fittest, that means my needs are more imortant than some unfortunate pregnancy: simply remove it and I can continue without moral guilt. The elderly are a drag on progress: they cost too much...remove them.
It is possible to have a super race: most enduring, most intelligent, and if we breed them, the rest will have to serve them or die off, it is natural selection in its finest.....I really don't have to continue do I? I am hoping you have figured out that the theory puts man at the center: and only the best equipped of mankind should outlast the remainder: which must succumb.

the theory of evolution has been taught by many .... both good and bad .... as has creationism.
...breaking new ground are we?

What philosophical collapse occured in the Soviet Union as communism cracked to pieces? The unfulfilling devotion to a flawed theory: evolution..>>we are all just warm blooded mammals competing to meet needs and maneuver into positions of power to make others work for us before we die and become dust.--no soul, no spirit....not even really living.

yeah, isn't evolution cool?


New Member
...breaking new ground are we?

What philosophical collapse occured in the Soviet Union as communism cracked to pieces? The unfulfilling devotion to a flawed theory: evolution..>>we are all just warm blooded mammals competing to meet needs and maneuver into positions of power to make others work for us before we die and become dust.--no soul, no spirit....not even really living.

yeah, isn't evolution cool?

I don't think you know quite what evolution is ....


Well-Known Member
Once again..

X-man can't figure out how to a few months ago when you were going to provide "countless" or was it "unending" proofs of the peaceful nature of Islam.

Here again, you just blow an opportunity to defend your position...well, I wasted enough time with you,...
like a kid who fails out at my school,..we don't pass him on to the next grade, we boot them out because they waste our time:
you are on iggy

because as Jack said it best,
"You can't handle the truth!"
bye....go play in Naive world.


New Member
And those who champion it are so adamant and shout the loudest trying to muzzle any critics of it:...does this show a lack of confidence? or is it because they have a superiority complex?

Oh, rest assured, they have a superiority complex. You tend to get one after a century or so of trying to cut the umbilical cord between addle-brained fundie sh!tkickers and the perported ancient writings of their invisible friends. Doesn't matter how many times perfectly knowledgable and reasonable researchers patiently crush the fantastical, self-aggrandizing dreams of these dopes, the fundies still keep clinging to their viral meme, contorting it to fit around the inconvenient facts.

Maybe they do not want to embrace the logical outcomes of evolution: Racial purity theories, infanticide, abortion, genocide, Euthanasia, nihilism, and rampant humanistic greed.

And here we have yet another personality characteristic of the fundie twit - the complete inability to imagine ethics being inspired by enlightened self-interest, rather than the wrath of an angry diety. Of course these people need to believe that the earth was created in 6 days especially for them and their petty little wants, needs and misdeeds. It's only the imagined threat of a spectral beatdown or an award of win-the-lottery proportions that keeps them acting decent. Like pre-schoolers in a sandbox.

On second thought, you keep the faith, Hessian...


No Use for Donk Twits
Oh, rest assured, they have a superiority complex. You tend to get one after a century or so of trying to cut the umbilical cord between addle-brained fundie sh!tkickers and the perported ancient writings of their invisible friends. Doesn't matter how many times perfectly knowledgable and reasonable researchers patiently crush the fantastical, self-aggrandizing dreams of these dopes, the fundies still keep clinging to their viral meme, contorting it to fit around the inconvenient facts.

And here we have yet another personality characteristic of the fundie twit - the complete inability to imagine ethics being inspired by enlightened self-interest, rather than the wrath of an angry diety. Of course these people need to believe that the earth was created in 6 days especially for them and their petty little wants, needs and misdeeds. It's only the imagined threat of a spectral beatdown or an award of win-the-lottery proportions that keeps them acting decent. Like pre-schoolers in a sandbox.

On second thought, you keep the faith, Hessian...

Great example of the 'tolerant progressive'! Bring in the ACLU to quash any thought or theory other than your own. Tolerance at its best.

The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. It's taught as such. Could be taught as a theory because it hasn't been proven as fact. As such, why your visceral distain for a competing theory?

Or is it your wish that the theory of evolution be taught as fact?


I'm Rick James #####!
Do ya'll know the difference betwen "Hypothesis'", "laws", and "Theorys"???

"just a theory" :roflmao: :killingme

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I wouldn't have a problem with Intellegent design being taught if it were taught as a theory like evolution is, but that's not what they want. I know evolution is a theory, it's unproven, but the prospects look good and it's based on sound scientific study and testing, so I think that's what happened. If Intelligent design were taught the same waythat's fine, but everyone seems to want it taught as "That evolution this is a theory, here's what really happened".

There is a very important place in study and Academics for Creationism/Intelligent Design. Every single culture/religion/race/etc. has a creation story, and to understand people, to understand other cultures both past and present, you have to understand where they come from.


Well-Known Member
Do ya'll know the difference betwen "Hypothesis'", "laws", and "Theorys"???

"just a theory" :roflmao: :killingme

Yes, I do: (definitions edited for relevance)

the•o•ry [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee]
1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.
6. contemplation or speculation.
7. guess or conjecture.

hy•poth•e•sis [hahy-poth-uh-sis, hi-]
1. a proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts.
2. a proposition assumed as a premise in an argument.
4. a mere assumption or guess

law [law]
4. a system or collection of rules.
5. the department of knowledge concerned with these rules; jurisprudence: to study law.
6. the body of such rules concerned with a particular subject or derived from a particular source: commercial law.
12. any rule or injunction that must be obeyed: Having a nourishing breakfast was an absolute law in our household.
15. (in philosophy, science, etc.)
a. a statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions.
b. a mathematical rule.
16. a principle based on the predictable consequences of an act, condition, etc.: the law of supply and demand.
17. a rule, principle, or convention regarded as governing the structure or the relationship of an element in the structure of something, as of a language or work of art: the laws of playwriting; the laws of grammar.

So, Intelligent Design and Evolution are both theories, or, speculation/conjecture.



I'm Rick James #####!
Yes, I do: (definitions edited for relevance)
So, Intelligent Design and Evolution are both theories, or, speculation/conjecture.


They're both "theory" if you change the context of the word "theory" for each of them.

See the link I posted above.


Well-Known Member
They're both "theory" if you change the context of the word "theory" for each of them.

See the link I posted above.
From the link said:
A hypothesis is indeed an idea requiring further research. When sufficiently confirmed, a hypothesis may become a theory, a law, or a fact...

A scientific theory is an integrated conceptual framework for reasoning about a class of phenomena, which is able to coordinate existing facts and laws and sometimes provide predictions of new ones.

The word "Evolution" is sometimes used to refer to the combination of the fact of evolution, the two above mentioned theories and the hypothesis that all life on Earth has evolved from a common ancestor. While this last component is labeled a hypothesis, it is so well confirmed it might almost be called a fact. In either usage, Evolution is essential to modern biology. It has been said that nothing in biology makes sense except in light of Evolution.
I see what you're saying here. In one context (where a theory is a theory is a theory), there's objectivity. In the other context (where a theory is considered "almost a fact"), anything against one theory is just plain wrong.