President 2008

Who would you vote for in 2008 general election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • Arnold Swarchenegger

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Anyone but Hillary!

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • Someone else, I'll explain

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • JPC, Sr. He's the man!

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Highlander's MPD
I am already a little tired of seeing all this Hillary hype. They are doing a great job to try to get her elected. Hopefully, most Americans are smarter than that.

Let's just say that we are have gotten through the 2008 primaries and are facing the general election.....

Who would you vote for?


In My Opinion
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy....
first glance I thought that too, but then I put down the crack pipe and started reading about those that had the vision of becoming the next chimp in charge HCIC.

Ron Paul really does look like he wants whats best for the country and I think that he would make the best choice of all those running.


New Member
At this point in time I am torn between Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson.

I really liked Fred ,but he isnt pushing near as hard as I believe he should. Maybe after his first debate is over we can tell better. He may be a bit long in the tooth for the job.

It appears that Romney's being a Mormon offends some people, doesnt bother me in the least. The fact that he was Governor in a liberal state like Mass. worries me a lot more.
Certainly what Dobson say's dosnt affect me in the least. He seems to want to play the Ross Perot game an split the vote.

Rudy is Hillary with a Penis. I would vote for Rudy if it came down between him and her,but that's the only way.
Edwards:;? Should take his millions and shut his mouth about being for the poor.
Obama ? No way.
Is McCain still running? If he is ,its on a treadmill, he isnt getting anywhere.
Hillary?? I'd as soon vote for Snidely Whiplash.


Highlander's MPD
I am already a little tired of seeing all this Hillary hype. They are doing a great job to try to get her elected. Hopefully, most Americans are smarter than that.

Let's just say that we are have gotten through the 2008 primaries and are facing the general election.....

Who would you vote for?

Wow, I am surprised to see 4 votes for Hillary. I'm not sure why I put Arnold in there. I was trying to make it a "not so serious" poll and got carried away. Hey, come one somebody, give JPC a vote.
Hillary - no way...

Fred Thompson... hands down, yes - he needs to get his butt in gear, but he is saying some really good things!

do we really want another Clinton??? I am not saying no to a woman, I just say no to Hillary. Now, I am going out on a limb here, but if we should or HAVE TO elect a woman we should put up Condalezza Rice... there is a woman who KNOWS WTF is happening here and abroad. Sorry - need to re-focus...

Hillary Clinton??? - I mean come-on she really is a douche... she had to stake residency in liberal-land NY so she could get a senator seat? Why?? her own hometown state (Illinois) would not have elected her! Her frickin' 'former' Finance Director David Rosen just got indicted... this was her money man for the Sentate Race!!! OMG - can we say White Water Scandal... :doh:

As far as a Clinton-ism - Look at NAFTA... and we are wondering why we are loosing manufacturing jobs to other countries? It has not been that long ago... and this is just ONE item...
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The Dude

You mean coitus?
first glance I thought that too, but then I put down the crack pipe and started reading about those that had the vision of becoming the next chimp in charge HCIC.

Ron Paul really does look like he wants whats best for the country and I think that he would make the best choice of all those running.

Yeah but realistically does Ron Paul even have a chance?

Fred Thompson could be an interesting choice, but he really needs to prove himself in this upcoming debate.....

I still like Rudy...I like his ideals and he tends to be a centrist instead of a true Republican. Just how I feel...


New Member
Definitely Hillary...she can straighten out this mess Bush and his cronies got this country into :patriot::patriot:
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Well-Known Member
I am already a little tired of seeing all this Hillary hype. They are doing a great job to try to get her elected. Hopefully, most Americans are smarter than that.

Let's just say that we are have gotten through the 2008 primaries and are facing the general election.....

Who would you vote for?

They did the same thing for Bill. The press was in love with the guy, and he couldn't win a caucus or primary to save his life. When he came in SECOND in New Hampshire, they called him "The Comeback Kid" - of course, NOTHING about Paul Tsongas - you know, the guy who came in *FIRST*.

He got on Arsenio and played the sax - and they denied all the Gennifer Flowers stuff on 60 Minutes, even though she had a tape of him telling her to lie about it.

They loved the guy. They put him in. And they want Hillary this time.

(It helps to have SOMEONE electable - they couldn't sell Gore or Kerry to anyone).


Lem Putt
Jeebus! Why would you want a dumbass president 12 years in a row???
That "dumbass" that fooled all you "smart" liberals and tricked them into supporting the war sure grates on you, doesn't it?

Riddle me this: If an idiot tricks you, what does that make you?


I really liked Fred ,but he isnt pushing near as hard as I believe he should.

I keep hearing this.

WTF does everyone expect him to do exactly? Come out with an oar and walk up to an opponent and say, "I wanna be teh PRESIDENT mother####er!!!" and then POW - roundhouse with the oar? Or maybe cut someone's throat on National TV.

I don't get it. He may not be a mudslinger, but I see him just as much as I see Hillary and Obama and Guiliani on TV. The real campaigns haven't even really spooled up yet. Look for some fierce campaigning after the holidays. As for right now, he's getting his face time. I don't see what more he can do.


Ron Paul really does look like he wants whats best for the country and I think that he would make the best choice of all those running.

I wholeheartedly agree-unfortunately he doesn't have the recognition (or the financial backing) to make a serious run. As a disillusioned Republican I'll be voting for him in the primary, even if I have to write him in. More on Ron Paul here.