-President Carter - A Peach of a guy!


Well-Known Member
It is truly a shame that the man has gone from, one of the worst Presidents but a good man, to practically a traitor. I am very serious in believing he suffers from dementia.


Dancing Up A Storm
donbarzini said:
Hypocrite: D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T: Hypocrite.

Did I win?
Ding! Ding! Ding! You get the GOLD STAR for that!! :lmao:

You know, willie may have nailed it: How can an ex-president say what he did on national TV, knowing(or not?) what he allowed to happen during his watch???!!
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Dancing Up A Storm
from page two of the same article:

" Jamie S. Gorelick, deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, agreed.

In 1994 testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Miss Gorelick said case law supports the presidential authority to conduct warrantless searches and electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes. "

Does anybody remember this gal?