Presidential Poll...

Pick three

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
On the following issues and the known positions of the candidates, not what they say they'd do or what you wish they'd do but, on what they've done, choose three candidates and we'll rank 'em accordingly.

Foreign policy
The dollar/fed/Wall Street
Life experiences
health care

I've reduced this down to the current field so, no Cain, no Johnson. No GOP'er to be named later. If you're not gonna vote for any of them, just skip this poll.

Thank you and may God bless 'merica and help us send those heathen bastards straight to hell.



Major Nelson is my hero
I'm not sure if I am going to vote or not next year. It just seams like a big hassle.


Well-Known Member
Didn't vote on the poll, if this is the best the Repubs have to put up against Obama we are screwed either way. The only thing i will give the O is when he ran he grabbed peoples attention, and rejuvenated the dems, especially after taking Billary out of contention. I don't see anything on the repub side doing that and the O will run unopposed, regretfully for us i am beginninng to hear the sounds of a steamroller coming. Best headline or bumper sticker i have read in a long time, coming from the dems is Vote against Obama, vote for a real democrat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Out of that bunch, I picked Perry, Paul and Newt.

And that's a shame because I used to like Mitt Romney back in the day.


Routinely Derailed
I picked Newt, Santorum, and Perry. Mr. Paul is just too old and too far out for the job, IMHO, even if he does embrace my party's interests (I'm a recovering Republican, now Libertarian). But I agree with what's been posted here, except to add the comment that we don't have a decent presidential candidate on any front.

Gone are the days of men with charisma, backbone, focus, intelligence, and, dare I say it, commonsense. And how long has it been going on?

Look at the simple stuff, like speeches. The last great public speaker was maybe John Kennedy? It's been a long time since anybody had a "real" winner. Some of the conservatives since Kennedy's day have fit my agenda well, but they presented like crap. Some of the liberals have also fit my agenda to a degree, and they have disgusted me in terms of character, and their presentation of themselves sucked. Mr. Obama has at at times been associated with the word "charisma" and I think it might be a result of his ethnic background, because it sure as heck isn't because of his public speaking.

Being a good orator means nothing without all the stuff to back it up. But oration contributes to one's ability to freakin' get elected, for crying out loud, and if these bozos are too lazy to learn the skill they may not be up to the demands of the office they're running for.

Give me a candidate with high IQ, commonsense, the ability to communicate, and the ability to inspire. Party affiliation matters not if the head is right and the platform is mostly right. Otherwise, we continue, as a nation, to slog through our own sewage.

You can tell I have no strong feelings on this subject.........:biggrin: :patriot: