Press starting to bring out the dirt on Kerry



Anyone notice the press lost interest in bringing out the dirt on Bush lately and are starting to hammer Kerry?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, it stands to reason. We've had three boring years of Bush dirt - time for some new blood. :biggrin:


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, it stands to reason. We've had three boring years of Bush dirt - time for some new blood. :biggrin:
Bush has covered up all his stuff with the help of his chronies.... they have been burning documents and im sure having people disapear...

hey someone had to play devil's advocate... right?


Well-Known Member
I've always noticed the pattern that, when some link of any kind links their guy with something bad - it's an isolated incident and there's no relevance, even though you believe that it is probably a vast conspiratorial collusion among the named parties. When it's *your* guy linked - it's all reversed.

Give you an example - this morning I read that part of the 9/11 "link" that Cheney was so keen on, was a high-ranking member of Saddam's Fedayeen, a lieutenant colonel, who appears to have actually been a MEMBER of al-Qaeda, and may have participated in the 9/11 attacks. How do we know this? Well, his name appears on documents relating the two.

Oh PLEASE. I really need better "proof" than that, and I *want* to believe it. How will this frail bit of proof convince anyone? For all we know, it was someone else with the same name, or perhaps he was spying on them. We have no idea what his involvement was. It's jumping to conclusions.

On the other hand - all things related to Halliburton, Cheney and Iraq become immediately suspect. I mean, wow, Cheney's the VP, Halliburton a big oil company he chaired, they're in Iraq. I connected the dots! Conspiracy! Conspiracy my azz. They were there in Iraq before Cheney had anything to do with Halliburton, during the last war. Big, f'ing deal. Imagine, an oil company, in Iraq, doing what they excel at. It's like finding out that Lockheed Martin is involved in the latest jet fighter development. So?

I get the worst of them from my relatives, believe me. If two people were in the same city at the same time, you KNOW they were up to something!