Price Gouging



Thursday Morning a Husqvarna Chain Saw at True Value in Lenardtown was on sale $20 off for $169 on Saturday I entered the store as they were unloading a truck load of them and the price on the box was $269, it seems the management realised they were not being greedy enough as I was leaving the store I saw them changing the price from $269 to $369. Where is the law enforcement? Why do we pay some of the highest taxes in the nation and receive no consumer protection when it is really needed? Why do we as a community allow the heartless to stay in business? :burning:


Yes, I reported it to the state attorney general consumer protection division.

Pics? Sorry I dont normally carry a camera to the hardware store.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Abnormal
Why do we as a community allow the heartless to stay in business? :burning:
So, why do we allow the heartless to stay in business? Imagine the alternative--shutting down business owners because they #### us off?

How about if we, as shoppers with a choice, refuse to give in to price gougers? Borrow a chain saw. Pay the kid down the street to use his own on your trees. Report the gougers to the BBB. Keep shopping 'til we find someone who won't gouge us. There are options.


Sounds like a good option BV, but I'm sure some stupid fool will pay that kind of money for a chainsaw that is clearly overpriced.


I'm just glad you reported it, so maybe they will get busted this time. I cannot stand it when people complain about an issue, and when you ask them what they are going to do about it, they shrug their shoulders and say why bother. Nothing will ever change.
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Iron City
I am an ex Federal Investigator and a certified fraud examiner. From my experience, the State of Md has a comsumer protection division within the Attorney General office is the best avenue to file a complaint...they seem to be pretty responsive. Contact them at Local law enforcement can't enforce comsumer fraud. Hope this helps.


Set Trippin
Re: Re: Re: Re: Price Gouging

Originally posted by *archimedes*
She's officially taken the top spot on my favorite posters list, too!
We need to be very careful here, we are liable to be labeled as "suckups" :rolleyes:


New Member
Re: Is there a law?

Had I witnessed what you claim, I would spread the word and not shop there again.

In their meeting a couple of nights ago, the Commissioners encouraged notifying them of any such practices.

Governmental Center
PO Box 653
23115 Leonard Hall Drive
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Phone: 301-475-4461



First off, I paid $300 for my pro55 Husky 5 years ago, to my knowledge, that’s a fair price for that saw.

Second, if you are not prepared for the coming events, you get screwed after the event. Ask ANY Floridian who is buying plywood before a hurricane.


New Member
supply and demand

I don't see anything wrong with it. How many times have stores had to sell seasonal items below cost because the season ended and they were overstocked? If you are going to wait until a time of need to buy something, I think you should pay a premium.


New Member
I whole-heartedly agree in the free marketplace - for both the buyer AND seller. Sellers are free to adjust prices to take advantage of supply/demand, as are sellers to adjust the businesses they patronize. Nothing wrong with spreading the word on business practices. Some will gladly pay top-dollar for in-demand items in uncertain times, some will get steamed at the "gouging" and shop elsewhere in the future.

That being said, keep in mind that the local vendor's relationship to his customer is his strongest asset. Messing with that for short-term gain is a false economy (IMO). Don't want to hear him crying the blues when a Home Depot is proposed up the street. Supply and demand baby!
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I was out at a saw shop yesterday north of 245 on 235. They had saws at good prices. What makes this relevant is the big sign he had up in the shop.


Of course this is not the policy if the saw/gen was defective.

Not that I am condoning gougers but some consumers are just as shady. Imagine a person who goes and buys a $400 chain saw, uses it to cut up the tree that fell in the yard then returns it because "I just don't like it". Now the store has to sell it at a discount because it's used.