Originally posted by Ken King
Sorry for what? It was still funny and depicts how many view him. I guess we can only make jokes or post "doctored" pictures of Bush.
Ken, sorry to get on a soapbox on what is supposed to be a fun thread.
I don't like that photo (see
http://www.snopes.com/photos/daschle.asp for the full explanation), and I don't like these photos of Bush and Clinton(
http://www.snopes.com/photos/binoculars.asp). Of course people view Daschle as unpatriotic or Bush as dumb. That doesn't give people the right to manipulate a photo and claim that it's real. That's just wrong and unethical.
Why? For one thing, even experienced Photoshop users have problems picking out the blending and cropping in a doctored photo. I don't mean the factual errors in a photo, I mean the technical aspects of merging two images. The second link I posted shows one way of detecting the manipulation.
Don't get me wrong. I can definitely appreciate the joke behind the Daschle photo, and I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. But jokes like this rely a LOT on context and presentation. As an example, I think The Onion is hilarious, partly because its parodies are done with such care and attention to detail. But once you take an Onion article out of context and send it by e-mail, it's sometimes hard to tell that the article is a spoof.