Pro Bowl without Brady or Moss?


Honestly, if the pro bowl is on and I have absolutely nothing else to do, I'll watch.
Otherwise, :bigwhoop:


Nothing to see here
Brady, Moss to miss Pro Bowl
Not real surprised here, but could it be perceived as a little sour grapes?

Players have been ducking the pro bowl for years..when first elected, they go..but after once or twice, they usually just as soon not go. NFL moved it to hawaii just to try to entice the players to show up. Jurgenson always begged off with an injury excuse or something years ago.


Supper's Ready
Honestly, if the pro bowl is on and I have absolutely nothing else to do, I'll watch.
Otherwise, :bigwhoop:

Players have been ducking the pro bowl for years..when first elected, they go..but after once or twice, they usually just as soon not go. NFL moved it to hawaii just to try to entice the players to show up. Jurgenson always begged off with an injury excuse or something years ago.

I like the credibility of players being selected, but I can count on one hand how many I've watched. Just not interested.


My esitmation of this is, with the premature exit of Belichick at the end of the SB, I surmise the Pats have grown to be a spoiled bunch; nothing but cry-babies and sore losers. Who needs them in the PB?


Football addict
I'd watch if Sean Taylor was playing.

That hit he laid on Brian Mooreman last year was worth it.:yahoo:


Do NFL players really get anything out of the ProBowl? An extra week off sounds good to me.

NBA players do the same thing to with the Olympics.


My esitmation of this is, with the premature exit of Belichick at the end of the SB, I surmise the Pats have grown to be a spoiled bunch; nothing but cry-babies and sore losers. Who needs them in the PB?

:yeahthat: That just shows that they are a couple of #######!!!


New Member
My esitmation of this is, with the premature exit of Belichick at the end of the SB, I surmise the Pats have grown to be a spoiled bunch; nothing but cry-babies and sore losers. Who needs them in the PB?

I think the only thing that is hurting them is their pride.

To quote Antonio Pierce "18 and 1 and the Giants win the Super Bowl. Print thet book":yahoo:


I've always been a little disappointed with the probowl. All these manly men, the best of the best, the toughest of the tough and they play soft to prevent injuries, etc... it doesn't mean anything to these folks. :shrug: For the most part, might as well be watching a game of flag football if you ask me :shrug:. I wish there was more intensity in it. All these "pro bowlers" have the talent to make a great game for NFL fans, however its rarely the case. :frown:

As for Brady and Moss, I think if you are elected to play in the Pro Bowl, it is an HONOR and you should at least show up. :shrug: I wonder if Moss and Brady would have played in it had the WON the superbowl.:shrug:


New Member
Players have been ducking the pro bowl for years..when first elected, they go..but after once or twice, they usually just as soon not go. NFL moved it to hawaii just to try to entice the players to show up..


Players (especially those that go deep into the playoffs) often try to get out of it. What makes Brady and Moss doing it so notable? They just lost the biggest game in their lives this past Sunday...and both have them have been to the Pro Bowl multiple times. Been there, done that...not in the mood to do it this year.

So what?

I don't know anybody who watches the Pro Bowl. They could discontinue it tomorrow and there isn't going to be much more than a collective yawn over it.


Well, I tried to do some research in my whopping 2 min. of free time so far today :lol: It seems that Farve is also sitting it out, as is Gates for SD and Jamal Williams and there's probably others, just havn't had time to look into it. Why wasn't that made a big deal as TB and RM sitting it out? :shrug: I guess media just wants to :elaine: It is disappointing though, the pro bowl has such potential given the talent, maybe if they only paid them AFTER they played the game might help, at least in them actually showing up :shrug: :lol: However I just wish it wasn't like watching powder puff football or something. But admittedly, I'll still watch it (only because it has a redskin or two in it :lol:)

Go G-Men

New Member
I think the only thing that is hurting them is their pride.

To quote Antonio Pierce "18 and 1 and the Giants win the Super Bowl. Print thet book":yahoo:

Oh no!! Something else hurts and the word starts with a "P" and has 5 letters and ends in "Y".:evil:


My son and I went to the Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Blitz last April, and we were standing in line to get autographs from a couple of players. One was veteran DB Mike Wagner and the other guy was a very popular new player who's going to the Pro Bowl this year. We had been standing in line for about 90 minutes and were almost to the signing table, when the younger player called over an assistant, talked to her for a minute, and then the girl went walking along the line of fans saying that the player had other committments to make and would be leaving 45 minutes early. There was a lot of moaning and groaning from folks who had been standing in line for a long time to get this guy's autograph.

At that point we were right up at the table, and I heard Wagner tell the young player "before you leave, you might want to remember who gave you the money to buy that Rolex you're wearing." I looked at the younger player and saw he was wearing this gold Rolex with diamonds all around the bezel. He thought about what Wagner had told him, called his assistant back, and sent her back out to tell everyone he would be staying.

While I agree that the Pro Bowl is a wasted game, it is a game where the players are selected by the fans. It's a chance for the fans to show their pride and support, and I think players who blow off the game are treating the fans just like that young man at Heinz Field was going to do. I think that Brady and Moss are making a bad move by blowing the game off. Fans will remember that action a lot longer than the loss in the SUper Bowl.