Pro-choice activists strip during Joel Osteen church service: 'Overturn Roe, hell no'


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The activists were escorted from the church, igniting applause from churchgoers

Pro-choice activists interrupted Pastor Joel Osteen’s church service on Sunday in Houston, Texas, by taking off their clothes and shouting "my body, my choice!"

"My body, my f—ing choice," one activist with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights is heard shouting in the church as she took off her dress, leaving her wearing only underwear, according to a video posted to social media on Sunday.

"Overturn Roe, hell no," another activist screams as she removes her clothing. A total of three women took part in the protest by stripping down to their underwear on Sunday in the church and shouting, according to Chron.

"Joel Osteen has an international audience and silence is violence when it comes to things like these," D'Eredita added. "We have a very unprecedented and very short amount of time to garner the attention that we need to get millions of people on the streets, millions of people doing actions like we were today."



Well-Known Member
They were all better covered than most girls in Bikini's these days.
They should go to a Muslim Mosque and do that if they really want attention.