problem connecting to the net



My home computer connects to comcast through a cable modem. I believe one of the kids removed an important file while removing ad's and such with ad aware. Anyhow, I cannot connect to the web. I used comcast doctor and it resets the winsock and after rebooting, I can connect sometimes and then the computer loses the connection. I have used winsockfix and similar share ware but it is only a tempory fix and sometimes does not work after several reboots.
Anyone have any ideas before I take the CPU somewhere to get fixed. A friend brought over his labtop and was able to connect to the server with no problems so it is not the modem or the cable.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Why not just go through the complete re-install of the cable modem and your ISP?

Oh yeah, and beat the daylights out of the kid deleting files. :biggrin:


It's not easy being green
You could try this:

Make sure you've got the driver software available for your NIC (network card) on your p.c. before you do anything, then remove and reinstall the network card. Any files that were accidentally deleted by your kids will be replaced, and hopefully your connection will work again.

Hope this helps.


Does your adware removal software have an "undo"? Sometimes they remove things, but you can go back in and tell it to undo what it did. Just a thought!