A feisty Dutch Minister of Parliament named Christine Anderson made some uncensored public remarks this weekend, revealing that pilot shortages might not only be an American phenomena caused by a computer glitch:
“A lot of pilots that did not want to get vaccinated had been laid off, and the ones that did get vaccinated because they had families to feed and mortgage to pay … may no longer be fit to fly. And that is a problem.”
Indeed. Back in November, Senator Ron Johnson held a committee hearing here in the U.S., where former vaccine-injured pilot Cody Flint testified:
The unfortunate jab-taking pilot testified he’s had SIX spinal taps over eight months and has lost a year of his life to medical treatments and recovery. His doctors say only a vaccine injury or a massive head trauma could have caused all his health problems.
“A lot of pilots that did not want to get vaccinated had been laid off, and the ones that did get vaccinated because they had families to feed and mortgage
Indeed. Back in November, Senator Ron Johnson held a committee hearing here in the U.S., where former vaccine-injured pilot Cody Flint testified:
The unfortunate jab-taking pilot testified he’s had SIX spinal taps over eight months and has lost a year of his life to medical treatments and recovery. His doctors say only a vaccine injury or a massive head trauma could have caused all his health problems.