Projection TV question



Does anyone have any experience changing the coupling fluid (crt fluid/oil) or embalming fluid that goes in the TV? I need to buy some but have searched the internet for two days and havn't found anything remotely close to what I need to buy and replace in the tv..... any suggestions? Its for a 56 inch phillips/magnovox that is about 6 years old. Looking into the tv with the screen off, it looked like there was just dust on the picture tubes... after taking it apart further, it appears to be dirt particles floating around in about an inch deep of coupling fluid in each tube... anyone have experience with this?:confused: I think its called Ethylene Glycol Fluid or something like that:confused::confused:
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Well-Known Member
I found this

The liquid is a solution of DI (deionized) water and propylene glycol,
with a small amount of surfactant to eliminate bubbles sticking to the
glass and plastic surface. Distilled water can be used. The propylene
glycol is USP grade, not commercial grade for clarity reasons. You need to
order this through a lab supply company and specify USP grade. If you use
a cheaper grade, the solution may become cloudy. The mixture of your
solution should be somewhere between 50/50 to 80/20 water/glycol. The are
many kinds of surfactant which can cause cloudiness or foaming. You should
probably leave this step out if you are just adding rather than replacing
liquid. If you want to experiment, you might try some fluid from a
photographer darkroom supply store that is used for eliminating water
marks during the film drying process. Just add a few drops to 1/2 liter.
Then heat it up to check for cloudiness. If it works, then you are in
business. Again, if you are careful with filling the cell so that you
don't mix in air, you probably don't need any surfactant.


Genuine Barco R762333 optical coupling fluid for all liquid coupled projectors. £25.95 per 500ml. Discount rate for 3 litres or above (Complete change of fluid for three 9" tubes takes 3 litres)

here in the UK


Wow!!! Thanks Danzig!!! WAHOO!!! I'm in business now!!! Thanks!!!:thewave:
thanks! again!!!! You 've made my day :thewave: