Prophet's Thumb?


New Member
Anyone's horse have one? Vet said one of mine has it. I've been researching it but I'm finding more myth and legend than fact.

Prophet's Thumb: A birthmark in the form of an indentation, usually found on the side of a horse's neck. It's believed that a horse with such a mark will be outstanding, as it is allegedly a descendant of one of the five brood mares that the Prophet Mohammed particularly treasured and marked with his own thumbprint.

A widespread belief tells of how any horse that has a groove in its neck is to be treasured and treated with great respect as it believed to come from a the line of horses that belonged to the Prophet Mahomet. If you can place your thumb gently into the groove on the neck, which is known as the 'Prophet's Thumb Print', then the horse is allegedly connected to one of the five brood mares that Mahomet owned, and therefore sacred.


New Member
my first pony, Aisling, has one on the right side of her neck towards the shoulder. and she is a most excellent animal. angelic, actually. she's being a trail pony for my mom these days.


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
The horse I learned to ride on, and the one I now own both had one. Old Eb is long gone now, but Pip has one just in front of the shoulder on his lower neck on his left side. Eb was a saint of a horse, Pip is one of a kind, but not the saint Eb was. He can be very nitty when he wants to.


Well-Known Member
I've known horses with that, though I don't recall them to be particularly special or nice. :lol:


New Member
Oddly, the horse that has it is my new guy. I haven't figured him out yet but I would definitely agree with "one of a kind." We couldn't ride him in a clinic a couple weeks ago yet I rode him Saturday night: in the dark, with the wind whipping and HOWLING, trees swaying, barns rattling, he was the lead horse (of two) and he was fantastic. Go figure! ???


Usually those aren't actually there at birth, they're caused by muscle trama. In the neck it's most often a reaction to an incorrectly given shot.

But, Allah's five scared mares sounds nicer, huh? :)


Horsey Girl
i had a pony with a perfect horseshoe print in her neck.. clearly she had been kicked as a baby

and then honey bunny has one in her neck too but hers is more like a big dimple, not sure if this is what you guys are talking about but i frequently see younger rescue horses that have indentations in their muscles