Proposed cuts to retiree pay


Well-Known Member
Govt retiree COLA raises should keep pace with the COLA raises being received by folks who work in the private sector since it is they who cover the cost. In other words, their COLA "increase" should actually be a negative value.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
This is the direct result of having few-to-no members/staffers of Congress nor White House with any military experience in their career.
Congress currently has 20% of its members with military experience, as for the White House I am not sure but suspect that there are some. Granted it isn't the 75% like back in the 50s and 60s when it seemed as if military experience was a requirement for being in the Congress. But with 1/5th of the members having military experience you know darn well that they know what they are doing and the impact it will have.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Congress currently has 20% of its members with military experience, as for the White House I am not sure but suspect that there are some. Granted it isn't the 75% like back in the 50s and 60s when it seemed as if military experience was a requirement for being in the Congress. But with 1/5th of the members having military experience you know darn well that they know what they are doing and the impact it will have.

Now that there sounds very authoritative. Can you tell me where that 20% figure comes from as I believe you always have sources for the things you post. This one sounds very different from what is commonly stated elsewhere about the military experience of members of Congress.


Well-Known Member
Lurk, definitely not responding for Ken, or even saying this is the source of the info he posted but did find this.

Membership of the 113th Congress: A Profile
Congressional Research Service
Military Service
At the beginning of the 113
Congress, there were 108 Members (20% of the total membership)who had served or were serving in the military, 10 fewer than at the beginning of the 112th
Congress (118 Members) and 12 fewer than in the 111
Congress (120 members). According to
lists compiled by
CQ Roll Call
, the House currently has 88 veterans (including 2 female
Members, as well as 2 Delegates); the Senate has 18.
These Members served in World War II,
the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kosovo, as well
as during times of peace. Many have served in the Reserves and the National Guard. Eight House
Members and one Senator are still serving in the Reserves, and six House Members are still
serving in the National Guard. Both of the female veterans are combat veterans.
The number of veterans in the 113th
Congress reflects the trend of steady decline in recent
decades in the number of Members who have served in the military. For example, 64% of the members of the 97thCongress (1981-1982) were veterans; and in the 92ndCongress (1971-1972),73% of the Members were veterans.
Taken from


Not White House Approved
Here's a novel idea, instead of cutting the pay/COLA to those who actually earned it, why don't we cut the money we are giving to the free loaders in this country and to countries who don't like us (foreign aid).

Think of all the money we could save by making all able body people work, stop this "disability" scam going on, stop giving food stamps to people who refuse to work, stop giving other countries money just to like us, stop being the worlds 911 force, stop being the worlds natural disaster response force, stop giving money to corporations (including the "green" companies who then go bankrupt), stop giving illegals any money (except a bus ticket to the border).

This county doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem, it's spending money on things that aren't priority and neglecting those that are priority; one of those priorities is taking care of those who volunteered to defend this country.


New Member
House budget chief Rep. Paul Ryan’s website states that military retirement “provides an exceptionally generous benefit, often providing 40 years of pension payments in return for 20 years of service,” as it explains why benefits should be trimmed.

If small government conservatives ever get serious about social security, Medicare and other entitlements the howl will be deafening but that is where the real money is.


House budget chief Rep. Paul Ryan’s website states that military retirement “provides an exceptionally generous benefit, often providing 40 years of pension payments in return for 20 years of service,” as it explains why benefits should be trimmed.
If small government conservatives ever get serious about social security, Medicare and other entitlements the howl will be deafening but that is where the real money is.
Apparently that idiot hasn't tried to live on a military pay for 20 years. They want to cut COLA's, close Commisary's, pay for our own medical, dental, etc. etc. Bet that SOB isn't getting a paycut along with members of Congress. Yeah, the first place these ass##### cut is where they can cut quickly with no duty military, retirees and gov't workers. This crap just pisses me off.