Propsoed WDC Astros Baseball Team



Proposed WDC Astros Baseball Team

Are you for or against it...:shrug: I am definately against it... but only because it would really tie up my commute home through southeast by about an hour thereby taking me 3 hours just to drive home ... what are you're thoughts on this :shrug: Honestly, if I didn't work in the city, I'd probably be for it though. :shrug:
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You're all F'in Mad...
It's the Expos that are moving from Montreal - not the Astros...

And, anything Major League Baseball can do to put the screws to Peter G Angelos is fine with me!

So, I am against it in principle, but if it causes some pain to the Baltimore franchise owner then bring them to DC at once! :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That there is no baseball...

...the national passtime, in the nations capital is one of our greatest cultural faux pas of all time for the last what, 35 plus years.

That said, it is far to late for baseball for me personally. The combination of strikes, the never ending domination by the Yanks and Braves, the Pete Rose issue and Peter Angelos has put me off baseball forever. On top of that, baseball has expanded pretty much everywhere in recent years EXCEPT DC while identity-less teams flounder and lose money hand over fist.

Interest of the game? The fans? I don't think so, scooter.

I might catch parts of a world series game or two and we had fun watching the Red Sox v. the Yankess one evening in a bar in Florida last October but baseball has made itself a joke, worked on it real hard, and it's just not funny anymore.

Frankly, baseball coming to DC now, after all of this, is like lighting birthday candles after the cake is gone and everyone's gone home. It's far, far to late.

Peter Angelos, once he starts to feel his mortality, will write in his memoirs that it was a bigger mistake in his life, his role in keeping baseball out of DC but, truth be told, it's the other owners fault. They could have over ruled him at any point.


I like it :cheers: I'd like to see a rivalry get started between Baltimore and DC...even though they'd only have a chance to play in the 2 week interleauge series or the World Series (yea right) I would have rather seen N. VA get it first, but I'll definitely go to a few D.C. Games.